
1 The Medium's Jump Pads can be useful for taking high ground, but can still be used by enemies. Shoot Jump Pads to destroy them before opponents can take advantage.
2 Starting a slide off of a ledge will give your contestant a small boost of speed.
3 While the Heavy's Mesh Shield is active, they cannot sprint but can still slide, jump, and vault.
4 Using Quick Melee while throwing an arena carriable will make it fly further, but less precisely.
5 A Gas Canister can be Quick Melee'd before throwing to ensure it explodes into a cloud of Gas on impact.
6 It takes two explosions to destroy any single part of a crane. This can be done using any explosive, including red canisters.
8 Cashout Stations on moving platforms can be especially hard to defend. Knock them off using Goo or the Winch Claw in an open area for a more straightforward defense.
9 Floating Platforms can be hard to attack, especially when the defenders have destroyed the adjoining ziplines. Use explosives on the supporting pillars to bring it down, or use mobility gadgets to bring the fight to them.
10 Many buildings can be quickly scaled by vaulting from window to window. This can be done by standing in the window frame, walking backwards, and vaulting up to the next highest window.
11 The trajectory of the Evasive Dash can be changed based on the player's look direction.
12 Attaching and detaching from ziplines will give contestants a small burst of speed in the direction they are travelling.
13 Certain objects in the arena (such as ziplines) do not have health, but durability. For example, a zipline can be broken with two Quick Melees, but will not be broken by an entire magazine from the Flamethrower.
14 The Dual Blades gain 80% damage reduction against projectiles and 66% reduction against melee attacks.
15 Bullets reflected by the Dual Blades deal 100% of their original damage and cannot headshot.
16 All arena carriables, excluding Revive Statues, can be thrown at enemies to deal 50 damage.
17 Mines, C4, and Breach Charges can be detonated prematurely by taking enough damage. Careful around the explosives!
18 Pinging an enemy will leave a red marker over their head for as long as they are visible to the contestant who pinged them. This included enemies who are revealed by a recon gadget but are not necessarily in line-of-sight.
19 If a contestant is on fire, they can stand in water to extinguish the flames.
20 Small windows will break when a contestant sprints into them, but large full-wall windows will not.
21 Using Evasive Dash into any horizontal jump pad will give the user a massive amount of forward momentum and can allow them to travel great distances in a short time.
22 The Light's Gateway can be used to teleport a cash box directly to a cashout station after a vault has finished opening.
23 The Medium's Dematerializer can be used to drop an objective to a lower level, then close the hole to prevent opponents from attacking from above.
24 The Light's Thermal Bore is especially good at destroying cranes and dropping Floating Platforms due to its high range and two-charge capacity.
25 When defending a cashout, stack nearby Gas Canisters next to the Cashout Station for when the enemy starts to steal. If you are attacking a cashout with Gas Canisters on it, quickly grab the canisters and throw them away before stealing.
26 Combining the horizontal momentum from a Medium's Zipline with a Jump Pad can greatly increase the distance covered by the jump.
27 Throwing mines on an enemy's Revive Statue can be a great way to deny revives. A Glitch Trap can even prevent an enemy Medium from using their Defibrillator on the statue.
28 Cashout Stations can be tipped over by throwing most arena carriables at them. This can be used to hide C4 or Breach Charges under the objective so they cannot be easily destroyed.
29 The Riot Shield gains damage reduction against the Flamethrower while blocking, and can block 100% of incoming explosion damage.
30 A successful backstab with the Dagger will deal 320 damage, and combining this with a Quick Melee is the most efficient way to eliminate a Heavy with full health.
31 Contestants can jump at the end of the Charge 'N' Slam to slam the ground around them, dealing damage and pushing them away.
32 The charge of the Charge 'N' Slam deals 130 damage to contestants on the first hit, and 50 additional damage for successive hits after the first.
33 The Guardian Turret and APS Turret can be placed on walls and vaulted on to gain access to high ground.
34 The Guardian Turret and APS Turret can be used to block doorways and vents. This can be used in special cases where the turrets might not gain value in their normal use cases.
35 Before stealing, throw smoke around the cashout (either from Smoke Grenades or Powder Canisters). This will conceal the exact position of the stealer and extinguish any Pyro Grenades that the defenders might throw.
36 The Medium's Data Reshaper can be used to reshape incoming enemy projectiles, such as grenades and RPGs.
37 Jump Pads can be placed on slanted roofs to increase the distance the user travels.
38 Goo can be used to trap contestants if it expands on top of them. A notable combination is the Goo Gun and Flamethrower, where a Heavy can trap a contestant, close the distance, and ignite them with the Goo to deal damage.
39 Goo can be used in combination with the Anti-Gravity Cube to lift objectives and create a platform for them. This can make stealing much more difficult for attackers, especially those without mobility to reach the objective or without fire to burn the Goo.
40 Fire counters Gas and Goo, Smoke counters Fire. Remember these elemental interactions for an easier time in the arena.
41 Destroying the smaller hospital bridge in the Seoul arena will leave only one path for attackers, creating a choke point in an area without much cover. Destroy the zipline connecting the two buildings to make it even harder for attackers.
42 The Glitch Grenade will detonate on impact with a shield. Use this to quickly take down enemy defenses and leave them vulnerable.
43 Barricades placed in doorways make it nearly impossible to pass. Use this to reinforce an objective or secure a steal. To counter this strategy, use destruction to destroy walls, ceilings, or floors around the objective.
44 Picking up a Guardian Turret directly will refund 80% of its cooldown, while picking it up remotely will only refund 50%.
45 The supports of a Floating Platform can be dematerialized to prevent them from being destroyed.
46 UFOs from the Alien Invasion are solid objects and can be used as high ground. They can also be destroyed by gunfire.
47 Combining Evasive Dash with the Dagger allows for higher mobility to position for backstabs on enemy contestants.
48 The Flamethrower is an effective counter to Lights using the Cloaking Device. It covers a wide area and leaves the target buring, revealing cloaked enemies and preventing them from quickly cloaking again.
49 Using a Jump Pad during the Low Gravity event will send the user to the arena's skybox, giving them a vantage point but making them more vulnerable to attacks.
50 The Stun Gun cancels the target's actions, like a cashout steal or revive. It also prevents the target from jumping, attaching to ziplines, and using specializations.
51 Opening a vault will award the team with $1000, starting a cashout will award the team with $2000, and each elimination is worth $200. Non-cashout money sources add up, so don't underestimate them.
52 The Charge 'N' Slam can be cancelled early by re-triggering it.
53 Charge 'N' Slam can be used to cancel cashout steals by bumping opponents away from the cashout. But be careful, the Charge 'N' Slam can also bump teammates!
54 Jumping immediately after hitting the ground will maintain a certain amount of momentum, commonly called "bunny hopping" or "b-hopping". This can be used to extend the speed boost from ziplines and jump pads.
55 The primary fire Sword and the R.357 deal the same amount of damage. The same is true for the Sledgehammer and the SR-84.
56 Light and Medium Builds throw arena carriables the same distance, but the Heavy Build can throw slightly further.
57 The Dematerializer can be used against the Heavy's Barricades to create gaps to shoot through.
58 The Winch Claw can hook opponents through Dome Shields, Mesh Shields, and the Riot Shield.
59 Contestants can only fit through windows on the Monaco cathedral's second floor. The windows on the first floor are too small.
60 Buttons in the arena, such as for bridges or raisable walls, can be activated remotely using bullets or explosions. The buttons can also be disabled by the glitch effect.
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