
“When charged, can be used on fallen teammates' statues to revive them instantly”
TypeGadget Utility.png Utility
PriceVRicon.png 1,000
DurationRevive Sickness 5s
Health50% HP on Revive

The Defibrillator is a Medium class gadget that can revive a downed teammate automatically instead of needing to do so manually.


The Defibrillator can be selected as one of three gadgets of any Medium build loadout, except when competing in the Terminal Attack gamemode, which disables both it and the Healing Beam.

Once equipped, holding the primary fire button will prepare an activation of the Defibrillator. Releasing the button will activate the gadget as long as a valid target is within range and the minimum charge duration of 0.8 seconds is met.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Defibrillator
Prepare defibrillation (Hold)
Activate (Release)
Primary fire



The Defibrillator, once deployed, must be prepared for a brief moment before activation. The contestant using the gadget is required to be both facing and within a short distance of either a teammate's Revive Statue or an opposing contestant.

When a Defibrillator is used on a Revive Statue, it starts an uninterruptible revival process that requires no further action from the user. A hologram appears at the statue's location and gradually re-materializes during the revival. Once the process is complete:

  • The revived contestant returns with half of their Build's maximum HP. Light 75, Medium 125, Heavy 175.
  • They gain brief invulnerability.
  • They suffer temporary revive sickness, which prevents them from using their Specializations or Gadgets for 5 seconds after being revived.

Alternatively, the Defibrillator can be activated on an opposing contestant to instantly deal 50 damage to them.



FeatIcon Targeted.png Targeted — Can be activated while targeting a Revive Statue to revive it (or alternatively, an opponent to damage them).

FeatIcon Single Charge.png Single Charge — Can be used once, then recharges automatically over the cooldown time.


FeatIcon Damaging.png Damaging — Can be used on an opponent to deal some damage to them.

FeatIcon Interceptible.png Not Interceptible — Can not be removed by the APS Turret.


FeatIcon Support.png Support — Applies a positive effect to teammates.

FeatIcon Glitchable.png Not Glitchable — Cannot be disabled by a Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel, meaning the revive in progress will not be interrupted.

FeatIcon Reshapeable.png Not Reshapeable — Cannot be reshaped by the Data Reshaper.



  • The Defibrillator can revive teammates faster and without needing to do so manually past the initial activation.
    • This allows contestants to fight, defend or assist with objectives while the revive is in progress, instead of remaining still for multiple seconds to perform a full revive.


  • Contestants revived by the Defibrillator are vulnerable to enemy attack as they are revived at 50% their maximum HP and are unable to use Specializations or Gadgets for 5 seconds.
  • Opposing contestants can easily watch and then kill a teammate being revived by the Defibrillator due to the obvious hologram, timing, and sound cues.
    • To prevent this, contestants who are reviving a teammate should try to remain in close proximity to them. This will allow the contestant performing the revive to try and protect them from enemy contestants. Alternatively, the Revive Statue can be moved to a safer location before using the Defibrillator.
  • Using the Defibrillator as a weapon is inadvisable, as it does only slightly more damage than a melee attack while consuming the charge.


  • It is the responsibility of the Defibrillator user to revive their teammates in a safe location, where they won't die shortly after being revived. Moving the teammate's Revive Statue away from enemies or providing cover with abilities such as Dematerializer or Goo can greatly increase the odds of successful revives happening.
  • The Defibrillator is best used for mid-fight Revives, such as if a teammate dies early into a fight.
  • Healing Beam makes an excellent pairing with the Defibrillator, as it can return the revived contestant to the fight much quicker.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by performing a revive with the Defibrillator.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Teammate resurrected by the Defibrillator 150
Damage dealt by the Defibrillator 0
Level 1
Defibrillator Rank 1.png
0 XP
Level 2
Defibrillator Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Defibrillator Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Defibrillator Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Defibrillator Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Defibrillator Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Defibrillator Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Defibrillator Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
200,000 XP


“All but one contestant eliminated on The Boundless. This would be a perfect time to have equipped a defibrillator!”


  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to vault while being revived by Defibrillator
  • Added ‘revive sickness’ to players revived by the Defibrillator, causing their Specializations and Gadgets to be placed on a five-second cooldown
  • Fixed an issue where the lobby screen only showed Defibrillators on all icons when first entering the screen
  • Fixed a bug where defibrillation revive got blocked by friendly Mesh and Dome shields
  • Fixed an issue where Guardian Turrets would target respawning Defibrillated players who are immune to damage
  • Added functionality that causes revived players to gradually re-materialize into the level over a period of 3s before fully loading back into the arena
  • Increased charge-up time from 0.6s to 0.8s
  • Increased starting health from a defibrillator revive from 40% to 50%
  • Fixed an issue where player statues could not be targeted for revives when lying in foliage
  • Fixed an issue where player statues could not be targeted for revives when carried
  • Decreased the length of invulnerability applied after a revive to 0.75s from 1.5s
  • Added ability for defibrillators to damage enemy players. They will do 50 damage and will enter cooldown if they land a successful hit
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