
Sledgehammer Infobox.png
Weapon Quote
“A melee weapon and tool that destroys the arena itself; can also perform a secondary overhead attack”
// Profile //
// Damage //
Crit200 [Alt Fire]
// Technical //
Mag SizeN/A
Reload TimeN/A

The Sledgehammer is a Heavy class melee weapon designed to deal high contact damage and structure damage, using either sustained swings or its hard-hitting overhead swing.


The Sledgehammer can be selected as the weapon of any Heavy build loadout.

The attack trigger can be used to slash opponents in front of the user to damage them. The trigger must be released before attacking again.

The secondary attack trigger can be used to enter an overhead swing animation, which will deal enhanced damage to an opponent in front of the user when it completes.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Sledgehammer
Attack (Tap)
Primary fire
Overhead attack (Tap)
Secondary fire




FeatIcon Melee.png Melee — Strikes targets close to the contestant. Can attack forever without reloading.

FeatIcon Single Fire.png Single Fire — Attacks once when the trigger is used. The trigger must be released before attacking again, though the next attack can be buffered.

FeatIcon Alternate Attack.png Alternate Attack — Has an alternate attack that performs a slower, high-damage overhead swing.

FeatIcon Attack Sequence.png No Attack Sequence — Attacks from right to left and left to right, but these have no difference in timing or hit registration.


FeatIcon Hitscan.png Hitscan — Travels in a straight line, meaning there is no bullet drop. The direction will deviate from the crosshairs depending on accuracy.

FeatIcon Major Structure Damage.png Major Structure Damage — Damages structures. Instantly destroys a concrete wall.

FeatIcon Critical Hit.png No Critical Hit — Does not critically hit for increased damage, even if the target was struck on the head.



  • The Sledgehammer can easily outdamage any opponents that are in range if its overhead swing is consistently hit.
  • The Sledgehammer deals high structure damage and its overhead swing instantly breaks through any wall, allowing the user to manipulate a structure to fit their needs.
  • The Sledgehammer thrives in chaotic fights in close quarters.


  • The Sledgehammer's melee range combined with the Heavy's immobility makes it highly vulnerable to slippery contestants, particularly Light contestants using gadgets such as the Stun Gun or Evasive Dash.


  • The user can freely rotate while charging up the overhead swing if an opponent is trying to dodge it by moving around the user.
  • The Goo Gun can be used to trap opponents, allowing the user to catch up with them and hit them with a hammer swing. The Sledgehammer will deal damage to the target even if there is a goo blob around them.
  • The Winch Claw can be used to reel in an opponent, to subsequently hit them with an overhead swing.
    • Light build contestants can be eliminated more reliably with just a regular swing followed by quick melee, which is quicker.
  • The overhead swing always outdamages the regular swing, but the regular swing should be used to finish off opponents at lower health or to damage opponents that the user can not catch in their overhead swing.

Overhead Swing

  • The Sledgehammer's overhead swing can only hit one target, as opposed to its standard attack. It can instantly break through any wall. The swing can also be cast while sliding to extend its range.

Useful Damage Combinations

Build Attack Combo Damage
Light Primary Fire → Quick Melee 115+40= 155
Alt Fire 200
Medium Primary Fire → Primary Fire → Quick Melee 115+115+40= 270
Alt Fire → Primary Fire 200+115= 315
Heavy Alt Fire → Primary Fire → Quick Melee 200+115+40= 355
Winch Claw → Primary Fire → Primary Fire → Primary Fire 5+115+115+115= 350
Primary Fire → Primary Fire → Primary Fire → Quick Melee 115+115+115+40= 385

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging and eliminating opponents with the Sledgehammer.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Damage dealt by the Sledgehammer 0.2 × Damage Dealt
Opponent eliminated by damage from the Sledgehammer 50
Assist on an opponent damaged by the Sledgehammer 20
Level 1
Sledgehammer Rank 1.png
0 XP
Level 2
Sledgehammer Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Sledgehammer Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Sledgehammer Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Sledgehammer Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Sledgehammer Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Sledgehammer Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Sledgehammer Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
200,000 XP

Weapon Skins



  • The Sledgehammer modeled after the real-life sledgehammer.
  • About the Riff Wrecker skin:
“This must be one of the best "weapon inspects" in a game ever if you ask me, I'm a bit biased perhaps...) it is Carl playing... he is also the lead singer in Death By Rhodents.”
Rob Runesson, Embark


  • Decreased the sweep duration of the secondary attack by 25%
  • Decreased the sweep width of the secondary attack from 30cm to 25cm
  • Increased the sweep width of the primary attack from 12cm to 15cm
  • Fixed an issue where the Sledgehammer’s secondary overhead swing attack could hit multiple players at once, which was unintended
CB1 Patch 4
  • Increased Sledgehammer damage from 130 to 145.
  • Increased Sledgehammer environmental damage from 550 to 685.
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