Glitch Trap

Glitch Trap.png
“Deployable that sticks to a surface; when triggered, it disables specializations and gadgets and glitches screens”
TypeGadget Defensive.png Defensive
Max Range5m
Priming Time1.6s
Max Deployed2

Mov m glitchmine.gif

The Glitch Trap is a Medium class mounted gadget that continuously glitches opponents in its vicinity to disable their gadgets.


The Glitch Trap can be selected as one of three gadgets of any Medium build loadout.

The primary trigger can be used to toss the gadget a small distance. It will attach to the first surface it contacts and arm itself after a few moments.

The gadget can also be retrieved to restore a charge, by interacting with it for a few moments while looking at it from up close.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Glitch Trap
Toss (Tap)
Primary fire
Retrieve deployed Glitch Trap (Hold)



The Glitch Trap can be deployed with a small throw to attach it to a nearby surface. The gadget will arm itself after a few moments. Any contestant that enters the 5 meter range of the Glitch Trap will be glitched, making them unable to use their gadgets and specializations. They will remain glitched for as long as they remain in its radius.

The first time a target is glitched, their actions will be interrupted. For example, if they are carrying an object, they will drop it. The user also receives a sound cue to indicate someone has been glitched. A visual effect shows a line from the target to the gadget to let them know where they are being glitched from.



FeatIcon Tossed.png Tossed — Can be thrown out a short distance, after which it attaches to the first surface it hits.

FeatIcon Multiple Charges.png Multiple Charges — Can be used 2 times. When a charge is used, it automatically recharges over the cooldown time.

FeatIcon Retrievable.png Retrievable — Can be picked up after being deployed to restore a charge.

FeatIcon Deployment Limit.png Deployment Limit — 2 Glitch Traps can be deployed at a time. An excess deployment causes the oldest Glitch Trap to disappear.


FeatIcon Projectile.png Projectile — Gets affected by gravity and has a travel time. Once attached, the gadget is no longer a projectile.

FeatIcon Interceptible.png Interceptible — While not attached, can be removed by the APS Turret, nullifying its effects. This causes the turret to lose some health.

FeatIcon Trigger on Impact.png No Trigger on Impact — Does not trigger when thrown at a contestant, instead flies through them.


FeatIcon Attached.png Attached — Attaches to a surface upon deployment. Sticks to the surface even if it moves. Weighs down any carriable object it is attached to.

FeatIcon Solid.png Solid — Has its own collision, albeit of a very small size, that can be stood upon.

FeatIcon Arming Time.png Arming Time — Disarmed when initially deployed or while picked up as an attachment. Does not detect enemies while disarmed. Arms automatically after a wind-up time.

FeatIcon Glitchable.png Glitchable — Can be temporarily disabled by a Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel.

FeatIcon Reshapeable.png Reshapeable — Can be reshaped by the Data Reshaper into a piece of decor by opponents.

FeatIcon Sound Cue.png Sound Cue — Produces a constant beeping noise while it is armed, alerting nearby contestants of its presence.

FeatIcon Permanent.png Permanent — Does not disappear by itself.


FeatIcon Glitching.png Glitching — Glitches affected contestants, making them unable to use gadgets and obfuscating their HUD. Also interrupts processes such as holding a Decryption Key upon initial contact, but not thereafter.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Not Damaging — Does not inflict damage.

FeatIcon Immobilizing.png Not Immobilizing — Does not stop affected contestants from moving.

FeatIcon Disabling.png Not Disabling — Does not disabe glitchable gadgets.

FeatIcon Friendly Fire.png No Friendly Fire — Can affect neither the user nor their teammates.



  • The Glitch Trap can be planted on or around a Cashout Station to defend it.



  • The Glitch Trap works well when placed at entrances, as it can catch a contestant off-guard and cause them and their teammates to retreat until their specializations and gadgets become accessible again. It is also useful to place them near revive statues to disable defibrillators.
  • The Glitch trap can be used as an improvised lower-range Motion Sensor, as opponents that go near it will notify the user with a hit marker.
  • A Glitch Trap on the Cashout Station or Terminal will cause an approaching opponent to drop their held Cash Box or Decryption Key, and may also throw them off.
  • Placing Glitch Traps on the ceiling works well, as this means they will not be destroyed by explosions, are more difficult to spot and destroy, and will have a better line of sight to their opponents compared to a Glitch Trap on the wall.
    • However, it should be noted that the area of effect is spherical, thereby reducing its effective range compared to a Glitch Trap on the floor.

Line of sight The Glitch Trap will trigger if an opponent comes within its 5m range, and is also within its line of sight. The line of sight begins from the exact center of the trap. This means that a Glitch Trap that is placed on the corner of a wall may not be able to reach opponents well on one side of the corner.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by deploying the Glitch Trap and by glitching opponents with it.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Deploying the Glitch Trap 50
Opponent triggers the Glitch Trap *No Information*
Level 1
Glitch Trap Rank 1.png
0 XP
Glitch Trap
Level 2
Glitch Trap Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Glitch Trap Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Glitch Trap Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Glitch Trap Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Glitch Trap Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Glitch Trap Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Glitch Trap Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
200,000 XP


  • Disabled crosshair hit markers when the Glitch Trap attaches to an enemy, so that it can no longer be used to detect players
  • Decreased ammo from 2 to 1
  • Decreased cooldown from 30s to 20s
  • Glitch trap is no longer a proximity detonation device
  • Glitch trap now has a line-of-sight application. If an enemy player stands within range and in line-of-sight to the trap it will attach a tether to them. Tethered players have the Glitch effect applied to them, preventing them from using Specializations and Gadgets, and disrupting their HUD. Players will need to break the line of sight to the trap, destroy it, or get out of range of it, to remove the effect.
  • Fixed an issue with the Dome Shield where it was not able to be glitched when the center was occluded
  • Update glitch effect so that it will now pass through Mesh Shields and Dome Shields
  • Reduced the duration of glitch effect from 10s to 5s
  • Now trigger on impact when it hit mesh shields and dome shields
  • Glitch Trap arming time added (1.6 seconds)
Open Beta - Update 1
  • Increased ammo amount from 1 to 2
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