
“Teams compete to collect the most cash.”
Length1-3 Rounds
FormatTeams of 3
Short descriptionPlay Cashout
FeaturesLimited respawn credits

Cashout is the premier gamemode in THE FINALS. It involves up to four teams of three competing to collect the most cash by completing successful Cashouts.


Teams earn a majority of their cash by depositing Cash Boxes into Cashout Stations. Contestants must first locate an available Vault in the arena and open it, which begins a twenty second timer. Once this timer expires, the Vault will eject a Cash Box. Contestants can then carry the Cash Box to one of the Cashout Stations located in the arena. Cash Boxes can be thrown once picked up, allowing contestants to defend themselves if attacked, pass the Cash Box to a teammate, or insert the Cash Box from distance.

Once a Cash Box is inserted into a Cashout Station, a timer will start and the team will need to defend the Cashout Station from opponents trying to steal it. All other contestants will be alerted to the active Cashout and will be allowed to try to capture it to steal the cash. Once the timer ends, the cash in the Cashout Station will be added to the possessing team's total cash, and another Vault will appear in the arena.

Cashout Gamemodes

Quick Cash
Lengthː Single round

Earn cashː Complete Cashout

Team wipe penaltyː No

Respawn creditsː Unlimited

Win: First to reach cash goal

League progressionː No

In-round swapping from reserve: Yes

World Tour
Lengthː Up to 3 rounds

Earn cashː Vault open, Vault deposit, steal Cashout, complete Cashout, eliminate opponents

Team wipe penaltyː No

Respawn creditsː 2 credits at start, +1 credit per round

Qualifyː Finish in top 2 during knockout rounds

Win: Win the final round

League progressionː No

In-round swapping from reserve: Yes

Ranked Tournament
Lengthː Up to 3 rounds

Earn cashː Vault open, Vault deposit, steal Cashout, complete Cashout, eliminate opponents

Team wipe penaltyː Yes (15%)

Respawn creditsː 2 credits at start, +1 credit per round

Qualifyː Finish in top 2 during knockout rounds

Win: Win the final round

League progressionː Yes

In-round swapping from reserve: No

Quick Cash

Quick Cash is a fast-paced Quick Play mode with simple rules, designed for casual play. Three teams of three compete to be the first to reach $20,000 by depositing cash from Vaults.


  • Vault
    • A $10,000 Vault spawns at the start of the game and after each completed deposit.
    • Only one Vault can be active at a time.
    • After spawning, the Vault has a 15-second wind-up before it can be interacted with.
    • Once interacted with, it takes 20 seconds for the Cashboxes to pop out and become available for deposit.
  • Deposit Process
    • To start a deposit, place Cash Boxes into a Cashout Station.
    • The deposit process takes 2 minutes to complete.
    • If enough time remains in the round, the deposit lasts the full duration; otherwise, up to 1 minute of overtime is added.

Win Conditions

  • The first team to reach $20,000 cash from completing Cashouts wins.

Wave-Based Respawn

  • When the first contestant is eliminated, a 30-second respawn timer starts for the whole team.
  • Any contestants eliminated afterward will join the same timer.
  • While waiting to respawn, contestants can swap their loadout, including their Build.
  • When the respawn timer reaches 0:
    • Eliminated contestants can spend a coin to respawn.
    • If the entire team is eliminated (team wipe), all three will respawn together without extra delays.
  • If a contestant dies within the last 7 seconds of the countdown, the timer resets to 7 seconds.

Loadout Swap

  • At the start of Quick Cash, contestants can freely choose their loadout.
  • While waiting to respawn, contestants can swap their loadout freely, including their Build.

World Tour

World Tour is a casual Cashout Tournament mode where contestants compete in multiple tour stops, earn Win Points, and rank up through different badges to receive rewards at the end of the season.


  • Vaults
    • Two Vaults spawn at the start of the game, with a new one appearing after each completed deposit.
    • Only two Vaults can be active at a time.
    • The cash value increases as more Vaults spawn:
      • First two Vaults: $10,000 each
      • Next pair: $15,000 each
      • Final pair: $22,000 each
    • Interacting with a Vault grants $1,000.
  • Deposit Process
    • To start a deposit, place the Cash Box into a Cashout Station.
    • When a Cash Box is deposited, 20% of its value is instantly awarded to the team, while the remaining 80% is stored in the Cashout Station.
    • The deposit process takes 2 minutes and 10 seconds to complete.
    • If enough time remains in the round, the deposit lasts the full duration; otherwise, up to 1 minute of overtime is added.

Tournament Structure

  • The Tournament Structure features 8 teams (24 contestants total) competing in a knockout bracket. The top 2 teams qualify for the next round, while the bottom 2 teams are eliminated.
    • Knockout Round 1: 8 teams split into two matches (4 teams per match).
    • Knockout Round 2: 4 remaining teams compete in one match.
    • Final Round: The last 2 teams face off under Quick Cash rules, with Vaults worth $25,000. The first team to reach $50,000 wins the tournament.

Ways to Gain Cash

  • $500 – Eliminating a contestant.
  • $1,000 – Eliminating a contestant during Death Match.
  • $1,000 – Opening a Vault.
  • $1,000 – Stealing an active Cashout Station.
  • $2,000 – Depositing Cash Boxes from Vaults 1 & 2
  • $3,000 – Depositing Cash Boxes from Vaults 3 & 4
  • $5,000 – Depositing Cash Boxes from Vaults 5 & 6
  • All Cash in the Cashout Station – Completing a Deposit

Respawn System

  • Each contestant starts with 2 respawn coins and gains 1 additional coin at the start of each round.
  • Eliminated contestants have a 30-second respawn timer. After it expires, they can use a respawn coin if they have not already been revived by a teammate.
  • If an entire team is eliminated, they respawn together after 25 seconds.
  • Contestants with no respawn coins left can only return if revived or if their team wipes and respawns.

Loadout Swap

  • Contestants can only swap equipment from their reserves before each round starts or while waiting to respawn or using respawn coins, but they cannot change their build.

Ranked Tournament

Ranked Tournaments follow the same format as World Tour but include a few notable differences:

  • In knockout rounds, teams lose 15% of their total cash if they are wiped.
  • Contestants can only swap items with their reserve between rounds, not during them.
  • Game Show Events are disabled.
  • Scoreboards and overviews will not show team seedings, Rank Scores, or gameplay stats before or during matches. This information will be shown to players after they are eliminated from the tournament.

Seeding Explained

  • Your seed is your team's placement based on its Matchmaking Rating (MMR) compared to other teams:
    • 1st Seed: The team with the highest MMR, expected to do the best.
    • 8th Seed: The team with the lowest MMR, expected to do the worst.

How Seeds Affect Rank Score (RS)

  • If the 1st seed performs poorly, they lose more RS because they were expected to do well.
  • If the 8th seed performs poorly, they lose less RS because they were not expected to do as well.
  • Outperforming your seed will earn you more RS, while underperforming will cost you more RS.

How Rank Score impacts league placement:

See Also: Leagues
  • Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond: Each league has four subdivisions.
  • Ruby: The top 500 players appear on the Ranked Leaderboard.


Arena Arena variants
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