Winch Claw

Winch Claw Rank 1.png
“Launches a chain claw that latches on to objects or contestants, pulling them in closer to you”
// Profile //
// Stats //
Cooldown7s on low-value target
14s on high-value target
Max Range17m

The Winch Claw is a specialization for Heavy Builds: launches a chain that pulls objects or enemies toward you, briefly stunning them, making it a perfect companion to melee weapons. Requires tactical use, accuracy, and skill!


The Winch Claw can be used on the following objects, separated into "low-value" and "high-value" targets. The cooldown of the Winch Claw depends on what object is grabbed: 7s for a low-value target (or miss), and 14s for a high-value target.

Low-value targets High-value targets
Arena objects, including ally Revive Statues and cash boxes Enemy contestants
Debris from fallen structures Cashout Stations or Terminals

Strengths and Weaknesses


Additional Information

Winch Claw VS EVERYTHING - Jinko
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