
“A tool that temporarily dematerializes physical surfaces in the arena, allowing any contestant to see or pass through them. It can also make these surfaces rematerialize.”

Mov m dematerializer.gif

The Dematerializer is a Medium class specialization that temporarily removes surfaces, allowing contestants to move and attack through them.


The Dematerializer can be selected as the specialization gadget of any Medium build loadout.

While the gadget is held, looking at a surface will show an indicator of a potential dematerialization as a blue hologram covering a part of the surface. The primary trigger can be used to activate the gadget and dematerialize the surface.

If a surface was already dematerialized by any contestant, the indicator will be red instead, and the secondary trigger can be used to rematerialize the surface.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Dematerializer
Dematerialize surface (Tap)
Primary fire
Rematerialize surface (Tap)
Secondary fire



The Dematerializer can be deployed by activating it on a targeted surface. This will cause the surface to turn into its dematerialized version. Contestants, attacks and other objects can look and phase through the wall freely. The Dematerializer will remove props attached to wall segments.

After a while, the surface rematerializes automatically, or it can be rematerialized manually.



FeatIcon Targeted.png Targeted — Can be activated while targeting a structure piece or solid object.

FeatIcon Toggle.png Toggle — Can be enabled and disabled by reactivating. Specifically, a dematerialized surface will rematerialize if it is reactivated.

FeatIcon Multiple Charges.png Multiple Charges — Can be used 3 times. When a charge is used, it automatically recharges over the cooldown time.

FeatIcon Deployment Limit.png No Deployment Limit — Any number of walls can be dematerialized at a time.

Dematerialized Surface

FeatIcon Attached.png Attached — Attached to a structure piece or solid object.

FeatIcon Sound Cue.png Sound Cue — Produces a sound to alert nearby contestants when used. A dematerialized surface also hums softly.

FeatIcon Usable by Opponents.png Usable by Opponents — Can be used by opponents to their advantage. Opponents can see, shoot and move through the gaps.

FeatIcon Permanent.png Not Permanent — Disappears by itself after enough time has passed.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Not Damaging — Does not inflict damage.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png No Structure Damage — Instantly removes a surface of any structure. However, this does not affect the structural integrity of the surrounding structure, and the removal is reversed after some time, or upon reactivation.



  • The Dematerializer can be used to create unexpected angles and opportunities while also being able to close the hole to deny opponents the possibility of retaliation.


  • If the surfaces around an objective are already breached in several places such as by Explosive Canisters, a Dematerializer user will not get as much benefit from the gadget, as opponents can easily follow them.
  • It can be difficult to see well through a dematerialized surface to fire through it, due to the glitchy animation overlay, especially if opponents are far away from the surface.
  • When the user is playing in an uncoordinated team, the Dematerializer may only benefit its user, whereas the other Medium Specializations would also benefit the team. However, with proper communication, the Dematerializer can be used strategically by the entire team. Additionally, capturing objectives using the Dematerializer also benefits the team regardless.


  • It is possible to defend an objective from an adjacent room, besides or above the room the station is in, by opening a hole whenever the sound cue plays and taking down the opponent while they are attempting to steal.
  • To escape from a sticky situation, the user can dematerialize the floor under them or a wall besides them and rematerialize immediately after going through.
    • However, it should be noted that there can sometimes be additional obstacles in unpredictable locations that block the way through, such as a cabinet behind a wall or a pipeline on a ceiling which may require an additional dematerialization. This happens particularly often on Las Vegas and Horizon.
  • The Dematerializer can be used to take the Cashout Station down a floor and immediately rematerialize the opened ceiling, allowing for a quick steal.
    • Alternatively, if the station is placed against a wall, dematerializing a cell in the wall may allow for an unexpected steal from behind while the rest of the wall and the station itself provides cover for the stealer.
    • These strategies also apply to encrypting or decrypting Terminal Attack's terminal.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP for the Dematerializer can be earned by activating it.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Dematerializing a surface 25
Rematerializing a surface *No Information*
Level 1
Dematerializer Rank 1.png
0 XP
Level 2
Dematerializer Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Erasure Expert
Level 3
Dematerializer Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Power Down
Level 4
Dematerializer Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Disappearing Act
Level 5
Dematerializer Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Fragmented Reality


  • Decreased the duration of dematerialized objects from 30s to 15s, causing objects to rematerialize sooner
  • Added the ability for the Dematerializer to remove props attached to wall segments
  • Improved targeting to reduce the amount of times the dematerializer fails to make a passageway through objects.
  • Improved the dematerializer ability to dematerialize/rematerialized objects when multiple objects are close to each other.
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