Guardian Turret

Guardian Turret.png
“Deployable AI-controlled assault rifle”
3s picked up manually
N/As picked up remotely.

Mov m guardianturret.gif

The Guardian Turret is a Medium class specialization that places a turret which protects an area by rapidly firing at opponents it detects.


The Guardian Turret can be selected as the specialization gadget of any Medium build loadout.

While the gadget is held, an indicator will show a potential placement of the Guardian Turret as a blue hologram in front of the user. If the hologram is red, the gadget will not fit in the target location. The secondary trigger can be used to rotate the placement hologram by 90 degrees. Using the primary trigger, the placement can be confirmed to deploy the gadget. It can be deployed on any surface, including walls and ceilings.

While a Guardian Turret is deployed, the gadget will not start restoring its next charge. The turret must be removed first. If the turret is destroyed, the full cooldown is applied. The gadget can also be retrieved to restore most of its charge, by interacting with it for a few moments while looking at it from up close.

The Guardian Turret also has a unique remote retrieval option. By holding the secondary trigger on the gadget while a Guardian Turret is deployed, the deployed gadget will be removed, and half of its charge will be refunded.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Guardian Turret
Confirm placement (Tap)
Primary fire
Rotate placement (Tap) Remove deployed Guardian Turret remotely (Hold)
Secondary fire
Retrieve deployed Guardian Turret (Hold)



The Guardian Turret can be deployed by placing it down on any nearby surface. It arms itself over 5 seconds, after which it starts rotating left and right repeatedly, scanning a total vision cone of 150° (close to half of a circle). The middle of this vision cone is at the orientation of its placement. The vision of the turret has a limited range of about 20m.

Whenever an opponent enters the vision range of the Guardian Turret, it starts firing an unending stream of bullets at them and tracks their movements in the process. Additionally, if an opponent attacks the Guardian Turret, it will turn around to attack them even if they are outside of its vision cone.

The gadget can be damaged only by opponents. Picking up the gadget and placing it again is the only way to restore its health. When the gadget is picked up, a 3s cooldown begins before the turret can be placed again. The gadget has its own visible health bar. Uniquely, the next charge of the gadget will not begin charging until the previous turret is removed.



FeatIcon Placeable.png Placeable — Can be placed attached to a surface. An indicator shows the exact target placement.

FeatIcon Single Charge.png Single Charge — Can be used once, then recharges automatically over the cooldown time.

FeatIcon Retrievable.png Retrievable — Can be picked up after being deployed. For the Guardian Turret, this does not restore a full charge, but refunds most of the cooldown instead.

FeatIcon Remote Controlled.png Remote Controlled — Can be commanded to self-destruct by the user from any distance. This refunds half of the cooldown.

FeatIcon Deployment Limit.png Deployment Limit — Can only be deployed if there is no existing Guardian Turret.


FeatIcon Hitscan.png Hitscan — Travels in a straight line, meaning there is no bullet drop. The direction will deviate from the crosshairs depending on accuracy.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Damaging — The projectile deals damage if it hits a contestant.

FeatIcon Critical Hit.png No Critical Hit — Does not critically hit for increased damage, even if the target was struck on the head.

FeatIcon Interceptible.png Not Interceptible — Can not be removed by the APS Turret.

FeatIcon High Range Falloff.png No Falloff — Does not deal reduced damage when hitting targets at long distances.


FeatIcon Attached.png Attached — Attaches to a surface upon deployment. Sticks to the surface even if it moves. Weighs down any carriable object it is attached to.

FeatIcon Solid.png Solid — Has its own collision, meaning it blocks bullets and contestants can stand on it.

FeatIcon Arming Time.png Arming Time — Disarmed when initially deployed. Does not detect enemies while disarmed. Arms automatically after a wind-up time. Uniquely, the Guardian Turret remains armed when picked up as an attachment.

FeatIcon Destructible.png Destructible — Can be destroyed if its health is fully depleted, such as through hits from bullets or explosions. Has a health bar and cannot take damage from the user's team.

FeatIcon Glitchable.png Glitchable — Can be temporarily disabled by a Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel.

FeatIcon Reshapeable.png Reshapeable — Can be reshaped by the Data Reshaper into a piece of decor by opponents.

FeatIcon Sound Cue.png Sound Cue — Remains silent while idling, but produces a loud sound on startup and when it locks onto a target, alerting nearby contestants.

FeatIcon Permanent.png Permanent — Does not disappear by itself.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png No Structure Damage — Cannot be used to damage structures.

FeatIcon Friendly Fire.png No Friendly Fire — Can damage neither the user nor their teammates.



  • The Guardian Turret can be used to lock down an area. If an opponent enters its line of sight, it will make the team aware an opponent is there thanks to its sound cue.



  • Placing the Guardian Turret on the ceiling is often a better idea than on the ground, as it won't be harmed by damage from sources such as the Frag Grenade, and melee weapon users will have a hard time dealing with it. Meanwhile, being on the ceiling has little downsides for the Guardian Turret.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by deploying the Guardian Turret and by damaging opponents with it.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Deploying the Guardian Turret 20
Guardian Turret strikes opponents 10 × Bullets hit
Level 1
Guardian Turret Rank 1.png
0 XP
Guardian Turret
Level 2
Guardian Turret Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Guardian Turret Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Guardian Turret Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Guardian Turret Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 6
Guardian Turret Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Striped Grazer

Specialization Skins


  • Decreased the cooldown from 8s to 3s when manually picking up the Guardian Turret
  • Bullets can now be blocked by the player who owns the turret, just like they can be by friendly players
  • The cooldown regeneration on the Guardian Turret now starts when the turret is destroyed, not when it is deployed.
  • Added the ability for players to remotely destroy their Guardian Turret, allowing them to trigger the cooldown if their turret is not nearby. This is done by equipping the Specialization again and holding an interaction for a brief duration.
  • Decreased health to 280 from 300
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