APS Turret

APS Turret.png
“Deployable that shoots down and destroys enemy projectiles”
TypeGadget Defensive.png Defensive
PriceVRicon.png 1,200

Mov m apsturret.gif

The APS Turret (Active Protection System Turret) is a Medium class placeable gadget that intercepts projectiles such as grenades from opposing teams.


The APS Turret can be selected as one of three gadgets of any Medium build loadout.

While the gadget is held, an indicator will show a potential placement of the APS Turret as a blue hologram in front of the user. If the hologram is red, the gadget will not fit in the target location. Using the primary trigger, the placement can be confirmed to deploy the gadget. It can be deployed on any surface, including walls and ceilings.

The gadget can also be retrieved to restore a charge, by interacting with it for a few moments while looking at it from up close.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip APS Turret
Confirm placement (Tap)
Primary fire
Retrieve deployed APS Turret (Hold)



The APS Turret can be deployed by placing it down on any surface. It starts working immediately. Any projectiles that enter its vicinity are effectively deleted without allowing them to trigger their damage or other effects. Examples of such projectiles include the Frag Grenade, the RPG-7 and CL-40 grenades.

Certain small projectiles, including the Recurve Bow's arrows, the Throwing Knives and the KS-23's slug shots, as well as barrels, will not be affected by the APS Turret.

The gadget can be damaged only by opponents. Additionally, whenever the APS Turret removes a projectile, it loses 40% of its health, meaning it can remove three projectiles before being destroyed. The gadget has its own visible health bar.



FeatIcon Placeable.png Placeable — Can be placed attached to a surface. An indicator shows the exact target placement.

FeatIcon Single Charge.png Single Charge — Can be used once, then recharges automatically over the cooldown time.

FeatIcon Retrievable.png Retrievable — Can be picked up after being deployed to restore a charge.

FeatIcon Deployment Limit.png Deployment Limit — One APS Turret can be deployed at a time. A new deployment causes the existing APS Turret to disappear.


FeatIcon Attached.png Attached — Attaches to a surface upon deployment. Sticks to the surface even if it moves. Weighs down any carriable object it is attached to.

FeatIcon Solid.png Solid — Has its own collision, meaning it blocks bullets and contestants can stand on it.

FeatIcon Destructible.png Destructible — Can be destroyed if its health is fully depleted, such as through hits from bullets, or when losing health from removing projectiles. Has a health bar and cannot take damage from the user's team.

FeatIcon Glitchable.png Glitchable — Can be temporarily disabled by a Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel.

FeatIcon Reshapeable.png Reshapeable — Can be reshaped by the Data Reshaper into a piece of decor by opponents.

FeatIcon Sound Cue.png Sound Cue — Produces a constant beep while idling, and a loud noise when intercepting projectiles, alerting nearby contestants of its presence.

FeatIcon Permanent.png Permanent — Does not disappear by itself.

FeatIcon Arming Time.png No Arming Time — Starts working immediately upon deployment. Remains armed while picked up as an attachment.

FeatIcon Usable by Opponents.png Not Usable by Opponents — Cannot be used by opponents.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Not Damaging — Does not inflict damage.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png No Structure Damage — Cannot be used to damage structures.



  • The APS Turret is a very effective counter to grenade launchers, as they have a slow rate of fire and will have to waste many grenades if they want to take down the APS Turret. In this time, they cannot deal any damage to anyone near the APS Turret.


  • The APS Turret cannot remove barrels.
  • Most guns can easily shoot enemy APS Turrets down if the player has direct line-of-sight, given the turret's small health pool.
  • The APS Turret has a limited range, so it may not be effective against opponents who are attacking from a distance and using throwables outside of its vicinity.


  • Picking up the gadget and placing it again is a good idea to restore the health of an APS Turret that has removed one or two projectiles, if the situation allows for it.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by intercepting projectiles with it.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Deploying the APS Turret 0
Interceptions by the APS Turret 100 × Interceptions
Level 1
APS Turret Rank 1.png
0 XP
APS Turret
Level 2
APS Turret Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
APS Turret Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
APS Turret Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
APS Turret Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
APS Turret Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
APS Turret Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
APS Turret Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
200,000 XP


  • New feature: APS Turret now consumes 40% health for each projectile destroyed.
CB1 Patch 3
  • Reduced APS Turret radius to 3m from 5m.
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