Frag Grenade

Frag Grenade.png
“Thrown projectile that explodes shortly after release; can be thrown underhand or overhand”
TypeGadget Offensive.png Offensive
Environment Dmg900
Damage Radius2.5m (Inner) 5m (Outer)

The Frag Grenade is a Light, Medium and Heavy class thrown gadget that creates an explosion that deals high damage.


The Frag Grenade can be selected as one of three gadgets of any Light, Medium or Heavy build loadout.

Holding the primary trigger will prepare a high-velocity overhand throw. Holding the secondary trigger will prepare a low-velocity underhand throw. While preparing a throw, the gadget's trajectory is indicated up to the point where it bounces off a surface (or up to its mid-air detonation point). Swapping to a different item will cancel the throw. Releasing the trigger throws the gadget.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip Frag Grenade
Prepare overhand throw (Hold)
Overhand Throw (Release)
Primary fire
Prepare underhand throw (Hold)
Underhand Throw (Release)
Secondary fire



The Frag Grenade can be deployed by throwing it. A few seconds after being deployed, it explodes, dealing damage to nearby opponents based on their proximity to the explosion. It also damages the user and applies damage to structures.



FeatIcon Grenade.png Grenade — Can be thrown like a grenade, meaning overhand or underhand. The trajectory and explosion point are shown as an indicator.


FeatIcon Projectile.png Projectile — Gets affected by gravity and has a travel time.

FeatIcon Bounce.png Bounce — Bounces away when the projectile collides with a surface or contestant.

FeatIcon Trigger on Time.png Trigger on Time — Triggers after a fixed amount of time, regardless of whether the projectile has struck opponents or surfaces.

FeatIcon Interceptible.png Interceptible — Can be removed by the APS Turret, nullifying its effects. This causes the turret to lose some health.

FeatIcon Reshapeable.png Reshapeable — Can be reshaped by the Data Reshaper into a piece of decor by opponents.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Not Damaging — Hitting a contestant directly with the projectile does not deal damage.

FeatIcon Destructible.png Not Destructible — Cannot be destroyed by receiving damage such as from bullets or explosions.


FeatIcon Explosive.png Explosive — Deals damage in an area of effect that can be intercepted by structures and shields.

FeatIcon Damaging.png Damaging — Deals damage to contestants.

FeatIcon Moderate Structure Damage.png Moderate Structure Damage — Damages structures. Takes numerous charges to break a concrete wall, but can easily break certain surfaces such as a wooden roof.

FeatIcon Friendly Fire.png No Friendly Fire — Can damage the user, but not their teammates.



  • The Frag Grenade is very strong when thrown into a confined space.
  • The Frag Grenade is one of the strongest gadgets on Power Shift when attacking the platform. If the platform has an APS Turret, it should be thrown with a trajectory that avoids it.
  • A Frag Grenade can be hard to notice, especially under chaotic circumstances. It has no sound cue or visual warning.
  • The Frag Grenade has the highest inner damage radius out of all explosives, meaning that it will deal (almost) maximum damage even if the target is 2.5m away from the explosion.


  • The APS Turret counters Frag Grenades. For example, it can be placed concealed near a doorway to prevent gadgets from being thrown through it.


  • The Frag Grenade can be thrown around a corner by utilizing its bounce. This way, the targets cannot retaliate.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging opponents with the Frag Grenade.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Deploying the Frag Grenade 0
Damage dealt to structures by the Frag Grenade 0
Damage dealt to opponents by the Frag Grenade 3 × Damage Dealt
Level 1
Frag Grenade Rank 1.png
0 XP
Frag Grenade
Level 2
Frag Grenade Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
Frag Grenade Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
Frag Grenade Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
Frag Grenade Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
Frag Grenade Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
Frag Grenade Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
Frag Grenade Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
200,000 XP

Gadget Skins


  • Decreased ammo from 2 to 1
  • Decreased damage from 150 to 140
  • Increased environmental damage from 600 to 900
  • Decreased minimum damage applied at outer edge of explosions to 0
  • Increased damage radius from 4.5m to 5m
  • Set damage fall-off to scale linearly from the max damage radius to the outer radius
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