The Pyro Mine is a Heavy class mounted gadget which, when it comes into contact with an opponent or when it is destroyed, creates a fiery explosion that ignites the area.
The Pyro Mine can be selected as one of three gadgets of any Heavy build load-out.
The primary trigger can be used to toss the gadget a small distance. It will attach to the first surface it contacts and arm itself after a few moments(2.0 seconds after primary mouse click).
The gadget can also be retrieved to restore a charge, by interacting with it for a few moments while looking at it from up close.
Controls | PC | PS | XBox | Key |
Equip Pyro Mine | 234 | Gadget | ||
Toss (Tap) | R2 | RT | Primary fire | |
Retrieve deployed Pyro Mine (Hold) | E | Interact |
The Pyro Mine can be deployed with a small throw to attach it to a nearby surface. The gadget will arm itself after a few moments. If an opponent gets too close to the Pyro Mine, or if it is destroyed such as by bullets or by a nearby explosion, it explodes, dealing damage to nearby opponents (and to the user if they are too close) initially, and also spreading fire to all surfaces in a spherical area, even through walls.
Any contestants that come into contact with the fire take contact damage over time and will also be set on fire for a few seconds to take additional damage.
If an opponent destroys the gadget, they become the user instead, meaning any damage it deals is attributed to them.
Tossed — Can be thrown out a short distance, after which it attaches to the first surface it hits.
Multiple Charges — Can be used 2 times. When a charge is used, it automatically recharges over the cooldown time.
Retrievable — Can be picked up after being deployed to restore a charge.
Deployment Limit — 2 Pyro Mines can be deployed at a time. An excess deployment causes the oldest Pyro Mine to disappear.
Projectile — Gets affected by gravity and has a travel time. Once attached, the gadget is no longer a projectile.
Interceptible — While not attached, can be removed by the APS Turret, nullifying its effects. This causes the turret to lose some health.
No Trigger on Impact — Does not trigger when thrown at a contestant, instead flies through them.
Attached — Attaches to a surface upon deployment. Sticks to the surface even if it moves. Weighs down any carriable object it is attached to.
Solid — Has its own collision, albeit of a very small size, that can be stood upon.
Arming Time — Disarmed when initially deployed or while picked up as an attachment. Does not detect enemies while disarmed. Arms automatically after a wind-up time.
Destructible — Can be destroyed if its health is fully depleted, such as through hits from bullets or explosions. This causes the Pyro Mine to explode. Teammates can also destroy it.
Glitchable — Can be temporarily disabled by a Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel.
Reshapeable — Can be reshaped by the Data Reshaper into a piece of decor by opponents.
Sound Cue — Produces a constant beeping noise while it is armed, alerting nearby contestants of its presence.
Permanent — Does not disappear by itself.
Incendiary — Creates fire, which can spread to nearby goo and foliage and burn them down. It can also light up contestants.
Explosive — Deals damage in an area of effect that can be intercepted by structures and shields.
Damaging — Deals damage to contestants.
Friendly Fire — Can damage both the user and their teammates.
No Structure Damage — Cannot be used to damage structures, though the resulting fire can spread and burn objects.
- The Pyro Mine can be planted on or around a Cashout Station to defend it.
- The Pyro Mine can be disabled by a nearby Glitch Grenade or Glitch Barrel triggering, or reshaped by the Data Reshaper.
- If a smoke cloud is placed near the Pyro Mine at the time of its activation, its effects are immediately undone.
- The Pyro Mine can be combined with the Flamethrower, where a mine is first thrown out into one or multiple opponents, and the Flamethrower near-instantly causes it to explode near them. This deals the initial damage of the Pyro Mine and sets the area on fire, dealing contact damage. It is a much safer combination for the user than trying to do the same thing with an Explosive Mine, as the user does not need to take any damage this way.
- The Pyro Mine can be combined with an Explosive Mine at a difficult-to-spot location, such as right behind an important door, to instantly eliminate a Light contestant. With this setup, two traps can be placed at once.
Item Mastery
Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging opponents with the Pyro Mine.
Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.
Source | XP Reward |
Deploying the Pyro Mine | 0 |
Damage dealt to opponents by the Pyro Mine | 1.66 × Damage Dealt |
Patch | |
1.4.0 |