In-Game Easter Eggs

In-game Easter eggs are Easter eggs that can be found or activated within THE FINALS itself.

Arena Easter Eggs

Easter eggs and other secrets based in specific arenas.

Other In-Game Easter Eggs

THE FINALS Wallpaper Beside You 2880x1620 Cropped.png
Easter eggs found on cosmetics.
Easter eggs found elsewhere or across multiple arenas.

All In-Game Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Description
Monaco statues Various statues of famous or historical figures are placed around Monaco.
S Lies The message "S Lies" is hidden underneath the construction site.
Monaco graffiti Various graffiti are hidden around Monaco.
Pergola numbers Numbers can be found on the pergola structure in the park.
Cannons Monaco's cannons are involved in an unsolved Easter egg.
Three-headed monkeys Three-headed monkey decals, inspired by Monkey Island, are hidden around Monaco and spell "ASCONCE."
Golden Nama Tama A golden Nama Tama statue is hidden in the Duck and Cover arena variant.
Easter Egg Description
Trismegistus binary Binary appeared on a television during CB2 that translated to "Trismegistus."
White rabbits (WR) Five white rabbit decals are hidden around Seoul and spell "SLIES."
Skyway Stadium
Easter Egg Description
Office whiteboards Whiteboards in the office building feature drawings and clues to THE FINALS Easter Egg Hunt.
J. BRALLAN statue A statue plaque reads "INVITATION J. BRALLAN 1986." which according to Rob is a game dev reference.
Embark sticky notes The logo of Embark Studios is drawn on a sticky note in the office building.
Embark logo on pallets There are pallets marked with Embark's logo in the construction area.
Blood moon On certain arena modifiers, the moon above the arena is red, resembling a blood moon.
Las Vegas
Easter Egg Description
Death By Rhodent A band called 'Death By Rhodent' is advertised on posters and can be heard playing in the distance.
Las Vegas graffiti Various graffiti tags can be found throughout Las Vegas.
Rob's Wrist Wraps A kiosk for 'Rob's Wrist Wraps' is in the center of the arena, likely referencing Rob Runesson.
Parking garage numbers Unsolved numbers are etched into the walls of the parking garage.
Four letters Four letters in Las Vegas directly correspond to a TFEE Level 3 password.
Casino machines One or more collections of machines can be activated in a certain order to trigger something.
Easter Egg Description
Cornell box A room on SYS$HORIZON is modeled after a Cornell Box, which are used to test 3D rendering.
Dolphins Standing on tiles spelling "CETACEA" at sunset triggers three dolphins to emerge from the water.
Hidden room A room is hidden in SYS$HORIZON that has not been found yet.
Computer screens The computer screens in SYS$HORIZON contain or are involved in a yet unsolved Easter egg.
Easter Egg Description
Disk #22 A floppy disk marked "#22" sometimes appears after breaking a tree. This is a reference to Monkey Island.
Easter Egg Description
Volcano The mountain/volcano in Bernal can be triggered in a yet unknown way.
Practice Range
Easter Egg Description
Roses There are five roses on the bench in the park area that connect to a large, unsolved Easter egg.
"The Fine Finals" "The Fine Finals" is written on one of the Cashbox target practice rings.
Easter Egg Description
HOLTOW QR codes Two HOLTOW stickers feature QR codes leading to HOLTOW's website.
Bracelet numerals Roman numerals are engraved onto a bracelet wrist cosmetic.
Rob's signature The signature of Rob Runesson is depicted on the 'STOLEN BASE' charm.
Samellin's skull Art Director Robert Samellin's skull profile picture is featured on multiple cosmetics.
Sword letters The letters C and S on the Sword are reportedly relevant to the game's lore.
VAULT HUNTER SET Cosmetics in the 'VAULT HUNTER SET' bundle feature various Easter eggs and references.
Other In-Game Easter Eggs
Easter Egg Description
Glitch clusters On multiple occasions, CNS has left glitch clusters in various arenas.
New Zealand fantails Graffiti of a New Zealand fantail bird are hidden in Kyoto and Fortune Stadium.
Money flies The flies in some arenas are actually tiny dollar bills with wings.
Door sound effect When barging into a door, a chicken cluck sound effect may sometimes play.
Nama Tama's farewell Nama Tama occasionally exclaims "bye bye!" when closing the game.
RockhoundBlack's drawing A drawing by hunter RockhoundBlack was supposedly added to the game in update 5.6.0.
Credits References and clues may appear in snippets of the credits of each season.
Demoscene references Numerous game assets make reference to the demoscene.
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