Secrets in THE FINALS

Easter eggs and secrets found throughout THE FINALS but not specific to cosmetics or singular arenas.

Glitch Clusters

After update 1.10.0, clusters of white voxels with a glitchy animation were discovered in each arena. In terms of lore, this was the direct effect of the hacking group CNS, who had been increasing the frequency and magnitude of their hacks during late Season 1. These glitch clusters disappeared after the launch of Season 2.

Nearly one year later, after update 5.8.0 of Season 5, a new glitch cluster was discovered in Skyway Stadium. This indicated the return of CNS. During CNS's World Tour stop that began a week later, more glitch clusters could be found in each arena.

New Zealand Fantails

Graffiti of the New Zealand fantail bird can be found in Kyoto and Fortune Stadium. During development of Season 3, Embark Studios level designer Midas got engaged in New Zealand and took a liking to the bird.

The first three graffiti were added with Season 3 and found on Kyoto in August of 2024. On the launch day of Season 4, Midas revealed the addition of three new hidden fantails,[1][2] and a few months after that, implied that they could be found in a different arena.[3] In December, Midas confirmed that the new fantail graffiti were hidden in Fortune Stadium,[4] and next month on January 15, 2025, all three were found on billboards in the arena.

Money Flies

In some arenas, there are fly swarms around various trash bags and dumpsters. In Kyoto, fireflies appear around lamps. Upon closer inspection these flies and fireflies are actually small dollar bills with wings. They use the same sprite as the 'EASY COME, EASY GO' emoticon from the Season 1 Battle Pass.

Door Sound Effect

When opening a door by sprinting into it, there is a small chance to hear a chicken "cluck" sound effect. This is a reference to an Easter egg of the same nature in the Battlefield franchise, as many ex-DICE developers have worked on THE FINALS.

Nama Tama's Farewell

Upon selecting 'quit to desktop' in the options menu, there's a chance of hearing Nama Tama exclaim "bye bye!" just before the game closes. This was added in Season 5.

RockhoundBlack's Drawing

While inspecting the image "THE_FINALS_powe_i_powe" for clues during Level 3 of THE FINALS Easter Egg Hunt, hunter RockhoundBlack drew an interpretation of a five-pointed shape in the corner as a blob like figure with a crudely drawn cartoon face.

Rob was amused by the drawing and replied with "Can you sign over the rights of that image so I can add it to the game, brilliant... ._.", before then suggesting it would be hidden somewhere after update 5.6.0 of Season 5.[5][6] The update released on January 22, 2025. The drawing has not yet been found in-game.


References and lore clues may appear in snippets of the credits of each season.

Season 1 Credits

“A new dawn, a new era, a new scroll text.!!!

Starlight from the devs heart, This is not a cheesy poem, This is simply raw text fueled with pure passion and tons of love  .

Greetings fly out to all the gamers around the world, Thank you for everything, You give us a reason to keep going, Keep building, Keep growing.!!

We will tour the world with you Build the future together.. Drop the floor out from under you and keep surprising you like you keep surprising us with your love, Your kindness and your support.

You make it all worthwhile You inspire us Thank you for playing and supporting the finals.!!. Thanks to all the people on our discord, Thanks to all the people that are streaming and creating content for our game, We love you.!

End of scroll text..?

Haha, did you really think this scroll was over and that we forgot where we came from..? Ofc not, So massive mega shout out to all the passionate gamemakers that dedicate their life to making games, to all the awesome game studios around the globe that build epic games that make the world a better place, And respect to all modders, computer geeks and old demosceners wherever you are remember to stay curious and rock on Let s live forever From embark with love.!

Is this the end of this scroll..?!

Perhaps it is, people will never know See you in the finals Take care of each other out there We have said it before and we will say it again From embark with love.

Until next time Respect in every aspect

GG out..!

Still here..!! Press play and jump into the game instead ..end of scroll for season 1 2024 Here we gooooooo.!!!”

Season 2 Credits

“we are CNS... our journey unfolds in the unseen... our imagination breaches the path... the thread guides us through the passages... Even spotlights cast shadows... Remember who you are... Remember why we did this... the greatest treasures are not found in vaults... 4111 - seek the truth beyond the walls...”

Demoscene References

Numerous assets in THE FINALS make reference to the demoscene, a computer art subculture that gained prominence in Europe throughout the 1980s and 90s and involves making audiovisual "demos" for systems such as the Amiga and Commodore 64. Some members of Embark Studios, such as Chief Content Officer Rob Runesson and Creative Director Gustav Tilleby, have strong historic ties to the scene.


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