
Monaco Statues

Various statues were found around Monaco, including a bust of Polish painter Jan Matejko, and a Prince Albert I plaque. Both of these statues were accurate recreations of real-life objects present in Monaco. The fountain in Monaco is also a recreation of an actual fountain in Monaco, with the name U. Bassignani, the sculptor who made the fountain, engraved on the top.

S Lies

On June 16th, during CB2, a message was found by hunter TheSkyFox. It is hidden behind a destructible wall under the crane in Monaco. The message reads "S Lies". The message is in an orange, pixel-styled text. It's exact meaning is unknown, but its is related to the lore of THE FINALS and is likely a message from CNS.

SR's Sprays

During CB2 on June 15th, veteran EE hunter Serpenger spotted a graffiti-style message on Monaco that read: "SR.!" This is a reference to a meme that was created by THE FINALS Easter Egg community, where the creator of TFEE Rob Runesson is affectionately known as Saint Rob, commonly abbreviated as SR.

After a screenshot of the message was posted in THE FINALS Discord by Serpenger, Rob replied to the image and posted "NICE.! If you find more graffiti with this style… well I guess you know who put them there.!" The hunters now knew that there would be more sprays hidden on the Monaco arena, with messages from SR relating to the current tier of the hunt, Tier 1-E.

On June 18th, only three days after the first SR spray was found, expert hunter fishxw spotted another graffiti message behind a destructible wall near the Monaco crane: "825c". Since the style was the same as the first SR spray, the hunters knew that it must be a clue for the current tier of the hunt.

Under an hour later, hunter Flex4d made a connection: 825 degrees Celsius was the melting point of Aragonite, a crystallized form of calcium carbonate. This breakthrough, confirmed by Rob, was the start of a cascade of connections and revitalization of the hunt. This event eventually led to the password being solved on July 1st after a huge effort by many hunters.

Rob mentioned in this CB2 summary that only 2/5 graffiti locations were found, implying that there were 3 more to find. Later, at the end of Season 1, Rob stated "There are like 11" in conversation about Monaco's graffiti, and that more graffiti may be added with each update.

On March 4th 2024, expert hunter RockhoundBlack found the 3rd graffiti message behind a billboard in the forest: "1339c". 1339 °C is the melting point of calcium carbonate.

Pergola Numbers

On June 15th, hunter Joshnut found numbers engraved on a wooden structure in Monaco's park area. The numbers are "125" and "512" or "51.2." The meaning of these numbers is still unknown.

Three-Headed Monkey

In January 2024, Rob revealed the existence of a three-headed monkey on Monaco. This is a reference to the creature of the same name from the Monkey Island video-game series. Rob has eluded to it being found behind the player via a mirror or similar; a nod at Guybrush Threepwood's line "look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" from the original games. Rob has offered a THE FINALS mouse pad to whoever finds the monkey first.

On March 1st at 9:57 PM (Swedish time) Rob shared that the monkey was visible on all arenas for the next 132 minutes; this ended about 2 hours later at 12:07 AM. The next day, Rob suggested that the monkey's appearances are related to the time of day, weather, and something astronomical.

“They seem to be really shy and extremely hard to spot, I don't think more than 2-3 people ever managed to spot them, and even more interesting, no one have ever managed to record or capture a single screenshot of any monkeys... but we are at lest 2 people that swear that they have seen a monkey... there seem to be some link between TOD, weather or some other astronomical link... I guess time will tell...”
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