Scotty and June

(Redirected from Scotty)
Scotty and June's icon / logo

Scotty and June are the commentators for THE FINALS and provide live updates to matches, including changes to leading teams, team wipes, game show events, and more.

Scotty, a former contestant, provides viewers with insights based on his experience. June, known for her analytical nature and love of data, offers detailed updates on the game.


Scotty reveals through his commentary that he was once a contestant on THE FINALS. His experience comes up during moments of excitement, especially when discussing intense situations in the game.

It is suggested through several voice lines that Scotty is a big fan of OSPUZE Pro Juice

Related Voicelines

  • Unknown Situation
    • Scotty: "I haven't been this hyped for a match since I drank six OZPUZEs™!"
    • June: "Scotty's deadly caffeine addiction aside, this is one exciting match!"
  • Unknown Situation
    • Scotty: "I haven't seen this much adrenaline in a match since I drank six cans of OSPUZE™ before going on air!"
    • June: "Well Scotty, let's hope our contestants have better control of the platform than you do of your Pro Juice™ intake!"
  • After a team has one contestant remaining:
    • Scotty: "There's now only one contestant left for the Powerhouses! I used to thrive in those situations, June."
  • After the first elimination in a match:
    • June: "And there's our first elimination of the match! Scotty, this could get really chaotic, really fast!"
    • Scotty: "Well I saw that one coming, June. You know, the trained eye of a former contestant and all that."
  • After a cashout is stolen in the final round:
    • Scotty: "And out of the blue, that just happened!"
    • June: "Didn't see that steal coming, Scotty? Even as a former contestant? What an adrenaline rush!"
  • The final round of a Cashout Tournament:
    • June: "It's the final round! Are you nervous, Scotty?"
    • Scotty: "Ah, well June, I've been in our contestants' shoes myself. Not letting the pressure get to you is the key to victory!"
  • In one of X/Twitter @reachthefinals posts:
    • Scotty: "Has anyone noticed the big holographic shoe floating above our new Fortune Stadium arena? Fun fact, that is my actual shoe!"

Related Items

Below is a list of items that mention or feature Scotty.

Image Name Rarity Description
Epic TIED UP IN A BOW.png TIED UP IN A BOW EPIC You don't stop until Scotty announces a team wipe.
Image Name Rarity Description
Rare SWEET TALK.png SWEET TALK RARE For contestants who are sweet on our commentators.
Rare SPLASH ZONE.png SPLASH ZONE RARE Plunge into the action with our favorite commentators.
Rare SCOTTY'S TO-DO LIST.png SCOTTY'S TO-DO LIST RARE For contestants who believe in the power of written goals.

Image Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary COMPACT CUTTER-Throwing Knives.png COMPACT CUTTERS LEGENDARY THROWING KNIVES Remember to clean these with a lint-free cloth between eliminations.
Legendary LICENSE TO SLEUTH-R357.png LICENSE TO SLEUTH LEGENDARY R.357 For contestants who are ready to solve any
Legendary SOAK 'N' SCORCH-Flamethrower.png SOAK_'N'_SCORCH LEGENDARY FLAMETHROWER Douse the competition with a blend of fury and fun.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare SCOTTY'S QUESTION.png SCOTTY'S QUESTION RARE The eternal showdown: courage versus nerves.



June is Scotty's partner, known for her love of data and her meticulous use of spreadsheets and statistic trackers during matches. She also has a virtual dog, a Swedish Vallhund.

It is implied that June was once cut off from her friends' inner circle.

Related Voicelines

  • When overtime begins during a Cashout match.
    • June: "I’ll need to get somebody to walk my virtual dog because this match is heading into overtime."
  • When the Socialites team wipes:
    • June: "Yeah, that stings like being cut off from your friends's inner circle."
  • In the video 'THE FINALS Season 3 Highlights Episode 2':
    • June: "That's two opponents down, and they look like they're making a tactical flank here, Scotty. With less than a minute on the clock and three enemies left, I'd say their odds are about 3,720 to 1."
    • Scotty: "Never tell me the odds, June."

Related Items

Below is a list of items that mention or feature June.

Image Name Rarity Description
Rare SWEET TALK.png SWEET TALK RARE For contestants who are sweet on our commentators.
Rare SPLASH ZONE.png SPLASH ZONE RARE Plunge into the action with our favorite commentators.

Image Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary LICENSE TO SLEUTH-R357.png LICENSE TO SLEUTH LEGENDARY R.357 For contestants who are ready to solve any
Legendary SOAK 'N' SCORCH-Flamethrower.png SOAK_'N'_SCORCH LEGENDARY FLAMETHROWER Douse the competition with a blend of fury and fun.


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