Las Vegas

(Redirected from Las Vegas 2032)

Las Vegas 2032 was introduced with the launch of the game and Season 1, and was the fourth arena to be added. It is based on the real-life city of Las Vegas in the United States and features various casinos and attractions.


Atsuhiro Las-Vegas Overview-MAp.png
Arena Variants
Las-Vegas-2023 Loading-Screen.png
A standard arena, ready for destruction.
Las Vegas Sandstorm.png
Don’t get lost in stinging sands! Seek shelter and glory in this Las Vegas map variant.
THE FINALS Steal The Spotlight.png
The environment can work for or against you. Traverse Vegas but watch your step, around every corner could be a trap.
Arena Modifiers


This article is a stub. This article needs some work! You can help us out by expanding it
Name Description
Argon Casino ***
Casino Eastwood ***
Glamora ***
Zaraby ***
Parking Lot ***
Stage ***
Fremont Street ***

Supported Gamemodes

Las Vegas supports the following gamemodes:


  • This arena is based on the Fremont Street Experience and the surrounding area. The covered section in the center of the arena is a replica of the canopy that covers Fremont Street.
  • The Sandstorm variant of the arena is reminiscent of how Las Vegas is portrayed in the film Blade Runner 2049. The most notable similar features being the sand filled ruins and orange color corrective tint applied to the exterior environment. Thematically, this is supported by the game's lore.
  • Casino Eastwood is most likely named after famous spaghetti-western star Clint Eastwood due to its western/cowboy theming and signage.
  • While not specifically highlighted in the Open Beta trailer, Las Vegas was hidden within the trailers as an Easter egg.

Easter Eggs

Easter eggs found in Las Vegas include:

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