Level 2: Tier 2DEF

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Tier 2DEF
StartSeptember 17, 2023
EndNovember 17, 2023
PreviousTier 2ABC
NextTier 3

Tier 2DEF was the eight tier of Level 2 of THE FINALS Easter Egg Hunt. It started on September 17, 2023 and ended on November 17, 2023. It opened at the same time as Tier 2ABC and the two tiers were closely connected. The primary themes of this tier were egg, Latin, and Roman numerals.


After Tier 1F was solved on September 17, 2023, both Tier 2ABC and Tier 2DEF opened at the same time. Both tiers used the same cipher and involved the same clues.

Tier 2DEF was solved immediately after Tier 2ABC, after hunters understood the required cipher. It involved the combination of passwords and themes from Tier 1D, Tier 1E, and Tier 1F, which were all related to "egg".


On November 17, 2023, hunter Len' came up with the password: "evivi" and solved Tier 2DEF. In total, this tier and Tier 2ABC took 60 days to solve.

Solution Breakdown

Tier 2DEF connected the passwords and themes of Tier 1D, Tier 1E, and Tier 1F which were all related to egg. The cipher G = 6 was hinted at multiple times, and a few clues were given in Latin, hinting at Roman numerals. This suggested that each G in "egg" could be replaced by a 6 in Roman numerals, which is VI, therefore forming the password: "evivi". Leetspeak and Roman numerals were also present in previous tiers.



  • Solver(s) - Len'
  • Documentation - Kyne, Lulz, Smashel
  • Various Contributions in Alphabetical Order - Annetteqc, aspentheavali, b0kb, BernieBoy, Brubru, Carl, Duh, eoin, fanclubfm, fishxw, Flex4d, Gattsta, HollowMooth, iTk, Janst1000, joshnut, KACZIII, Kyne, Len', Lime, Lulz, Merv, Miiike, R.Cade, RockhoundBlack, Serpenger, Smashel, Wig, 김스윙
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