Tier 1A: The "1064 Aethusa" puzzle
Tier Overview
On October 6th, 2022 Dusty posted two images in the easter egg channel with the caption Oriri ex cinere. It was discovered that if you overlaid the two images and looked at the differences and edited the levels you'd see a griffin. This griffin was the Pisa Griffin, which sits atop the Pisa Cathedral which started construction in 1064.
On October 7th, 2022 Dusty posted a new image in the Easter Egg channel, titled TakeCover, it contained a scene of the Church on Monaco getting hit by a series of meteors. This image had a fair amount of clues hidden in it.
- Αἵ θου σα, or Aethusa, had been hidden in the rubble, and on the church itself.
- The Greek name Αἵθουσα is also engraved on a plaque on the statue.
- The various white blooming plants seen around the scene are Aethusa Cynapium, a herb native to Europe.
- A broken trident could be found in the rubble, and a trident symbol can be seen on the floating ring on top of the scene. Poseidon's daughter is named Aethusa.
- Due to the amount of meteors it was also a hint to be on the lookout for connected meteors.
On October 11th, 2022 Rob posted a new image in the Easter Egg channel, titled friend_you_need_02. It contained a scene of Nama Tama dressed as Galileo observing a comet with a telescope. It was discovered there was a Asteroid, 1064 Aethusa, named after the herb.
On October 11th, 2022. Hunter Serpenger found the correct password for the tier, 1064, from looking at the asteroid that had been found a couple hours previously. In total this tier took 7 days to complete, and a new image awaited our hunters.ǃ
The Pisa Griffin provided two important clues to the hunt, first, the date 1064, and that it was the birthplace of Galileo.
The Aethusa clues all pointed to the meteor.
The day after the password was solved, Rob posted the following message:
“Hi.!There are actually some clues you missed in the images released for Level 2 - T1A... some of the clues have multiple levels so they can actually help you in the future, both in the EE-hunt now and for future EE's in the actual game when it is live, so I will not spoil these ones... However, there are some clues that are only used to solve T1A that I could tell you now since that tier is completed.
For example - The ray of light on the egg in the Pisa Cathedral is a clue to help you figure out that we are looking for a DATE. On 25th March, midday, ray light hits the egg on the north side of the cathedral. This marks the Feast of the Annunciation, which is the same date that marks the first day of the year in the Pisan calendar... Construction of the Pisa Cathedral started 1063, BUT according to the Pisan calendar of the time, the construction started 1064.
On the second image, there was two prominent flowers that are not visible in the trailer present. The flower is called Aethusa cynapium (Fools parsley). This is a dangerous flower and the latin name is derived from the Arab word 'ai' what means burning, since the plant gives you burning pains.
Pretty obvious, right, hehe”
Solver - Serpenger
Documentation - Flex4d, Ralliden, RockhoundBlack
Various Contributions in Alphabetical Order - Buunuu, Darnoux, DashGames, Duh, Fishxw, Giriko, OrpheusHEI, SPEAR, Swa, Tragic
Further Reading
RockhoundBlack's Video: THE FINALS: A Fistful Of Easter Eggs + New Concept Art!