(Redirected from Lh1)
LH1 Sideview.png
Weapon Quote
“Semi-automatic battle rifle.”
TypeMarksman Rifle
PriceVRicon.png 1,000
Min Falloff50m
Max Falloff55m
Falloff Multiplier0.72
Empty Reload2.85s
Tactical Reload1.95s

The LH1 is a Light class marksman rifle designed to deal high damage per shot and very high headshot damage at moderate to long distances.


The LH1 can be selected as the weapon of any Light build loadout.

The trigger can be pulled to fire one bullet that damages an opponent, also dealing additional damage on headshots. The trigger must be released before firing again. Aiming down sights increases the LH1's accuracy. Moving decreases accuracy, especially when going airborne.

The weapon automatically reloads when its magazine is empty, or the user can do a tactical reload before this point. The user has unlimited spare ammunition.

Controls PC PS XBox Key
Equip LH1
Fire shot (Tap)
Primary fire
Aim down sights (Hold)
Secondary fire
Tactical reload


Damage Profile

Build HP Shots to kill Time to kill (Body) Time to kill (Crit)
Light 150 4 0.64 0.21
Medium 250 6 1.07 0.43
Heavy 350 8 1.5 0.64
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


The LH1 comes equipped with Iron Sights by default with the Reflector and Compact Reflector sights available to unlock.

Image Name Magnification Description Cost In-Game
Epic IRON SIGHTS-Sight.png IRON SIGHTS 1x Standard issue; simple but effective. Free Iron Sights Example-Square.png
Epic REFLECTOR-Sight.png REFLECTOR 1x Enclosed illuminated reticle for easier target acquisition. VRicon.png 800 Reflector Example-Square.png
Epic COMPACT REFLECTOR-Sight.png COMPACT REFLECTOR 1x Enclosed illuminated reticle for easier target acquisition. VRicon.png 800 Compact Reflector Example-Square.png



FeatIcon Ranged.png Ranged — Strikes targets by aiming and firing at them from a distance.

FeatIcon Single Fire.png Single Fire — Fires once when the trigger is pulled. The trigger must be released before firing again.

FeatIcon Aim Down Sights.png Aim Down Sights — Has iron sights and optical sights that significantly increase accuracy when used.

FeatIcon Full Reload.png Full Reload — Replaces the entire magazine in one animation on reload.

FeatIcon Stable Accuracy.png Unstable Accuracy — Suffers a significant decrease in accuracy while moving and while airborne.


FeatIcon Hitscan.png Hitscan — Travels in a straight line, meaning there is no bullet drop. The direction will deviate from the crosshairs depending on accuracy.

FeatIcon Critical Hit.png Critical Hit — Critically hits on headshots, applying a damage multiplier.

FeatIcon High Range Falloff.png High Range Falloff — Deals reduced damage when hitting targets at long distances (falloff starts beyond 30m). For the LH1, this distance is relatively far, starting at 50 meters.

FeatIcon Minor Structure Damage.png Minor Structure Damage — Damages structures. Takes a very long time to break a concrete wall.



  • The LH1 has a very strong headshot multiplier, dealing double the damage of a body shot.
    • The LH1 can eliminate a Light contestant with two headshots, and requires one additional headshot for each step up in health class.
  • The LH1 is one of the longest-ranged weapons available.


  • Very high bullet dispersion when hipfiring means the LH1 cannot reliably hit opponents when hipfiring, which is an issue at closer ranges.
    • However, when the LH1 user is right on top of their opponent, they will still be able to easily land their shots through hipfiring.
  • When the Reflector sight is installed, the LH1 has noticeable scope glint when aiming down sights, which can give away the user's location. This can be avoided by using any other sight option.


  • Firing should always be done while aiming down sights, unless the target is extremely close. Doing so greatly increases the accuracy of the LH1.
  • An LH1 user should attempt to step in and out of combat to safely be able to deal damage, approaching opponents from unexpected angles so that they cannot retaliate. The moments of cover also serve to reload the weapon.


  • When the weapon fires a shot, a target is scanned for using a hitscan. This is a detection mechanism that scans in a straight line, meaning there is no bullet drop. The direction of this line will be deviate randomly from the direction of the crosshairs, depending on the accuracy level at the time of firing.
  • Immediately, the closest contestant, structure, object or shield intersecting the hitscan will be tagged as being struck. First, a bullet tracer animation quickly travels from the weapon to the hit location, then its effects are applied. This means it is possible for targets to be struck a few frames after they appear to take cover, as the hit is confirmed the moment the weapon is fired.

Item Mastery

Item mastery XP can be earned by damaging and eliminating opponents with the LH1.

Each time a certain XP threshold is reached, the item levels up. This does not improve the item, but rewards a unique item customization.

XP Breakdown
Source XP Reward
Damage dealt by the LH1 0.2 × Damage Dealt
Critical damage dealt by the LH1 0.2 × Critical Damage Dealt
Opponent eliminated by the LH1 50
Assist on an opponent damaged by the LH1 20
Level 1
LH1 Rank 1.png
0 XP
Level 2
LH1 Rank 2.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Yellow)
Level 3
LH1 Rank 3.png
9,000 XP
Dye Job (Blue)
Level 4
LH1 Rank 4.png
36,000 XP
Dye Job (Red)
Level 5
LH1 Rank 5.png
54,000 XP
Dye Job (White)
Level 6
LH1 Rank 6.png
162,000 XP
Triangle Twinkle
Level 7
LH1 Rank 7.png
144,000 XP
Striped Grazer
Level 8
LH1 Rank 8.png
136,000 XP
Painted Predator
Level 9
LH1 Rank 9.png
200,000 XP

Weapon Skins


  • The LH1 exists in real life as a variant of the Springfield Armory M1A, originating in the United States in 1971, which itself is based on the M14 rifle.
    • The in-game model of the weapon bears the closest resemblance to the SOCOM 16 variant of the M1A, as evidenced by the shortened barrel.
    • The meaning of all of the other guns' names in THE FINALS have been found, making the LH1 the only gun where it is unknown how its name's letters relate to the model it is based on.
    • See also: List of Gun Origins.
  • As of Season 5, the LH1 is the only weapon with multiple unlockable sights.


  • Decreased damage from 48 to 46
  • Decreased rate of fire from 280 RPM to 270 RPM
  • Decreased the damage fall-off start range from 80m to 50m
  • Decreased the damage fall-off end range from 100m to 55m
  • Decreased damage from 52 to 48
  • Updated firing animation, which should make the weapon easier to use
  • Decreased fire rate from 300 RPM to 280 RPM
  • Decreased bullet dispersion when crouching and standing still, making the weapon more precise
  • Increased player damage from 49 to 52
  • Added new frontend idle animation for squad members equipped with LH1
  • Fixed some small issues with the LH1 reload and Goo Gun inspect animations
  • Damage increased from 47 to 49
  • Zoom Snapping will be removed from the SR-84 Sniper Rifle, Revolver, LH1, and all Shotguns, as it buffs them more than other weapons.
  • LH1 damage increased to 47 from 45
  • Increased bullet dispersion when firing from the hip
  • Updated recoil pattern, making the weapon easier to control
  • Fire rate reduced to 300 RPM from 400 RPM
  • Increased LH1 damage from 41 to 45
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