Level 3 - The Hunt

(Redirected from Level Three: The Hunt)
THE FINALS I Want to.png
Level 3 - The Hunt
StartMarch 22 / August 7, 2024
PreviousLevel 2 & Tier 3

Level 3 - The Hunt is the third and current level of THE FINALS Easter Egg Hunt. It was activated on August 7, 2024 and currently remains unsolved.


After Tier 3 of Level 2 was solved on March 22, 2024 with the password "0v0aurum," the Tier 3 page led to the image "THE_FINALS_I_Want_to", depicting Nama Tama wearing black knight armor floating in space.[1]

  • The image is a reference to the "Black Knight" space debris.
  • There are 19 rivets on Nama Tama's helmet.
  • The sequence "14XX0176XX0002XX 23XXX0176XX0002XXX" is hidden in the image. Some parts can be deciphered to arrive at "N XX ° XX 0002 XX W XXX ° XX 0002 XXX", using the below key. This has not yet been confirmed.
    • The 14th letter of the alphabet is N
    • The 23rd letter of the alphabet is W
    • 176 is the ASCII value for ° (degree sign)
  • "I_Want_to" in the filename may be a reference to the 2008 film The X-Files: I Want to Believe or the X-Files franchise as a whole. This has not yet been confirmed.
  • Nama Tama's helmet bears resemblance to the great helm worn by the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), co-directed by Terry Gilliam. This has not yet been confirmed.

Nama Tama was previously depicted wearing the same black knight armor on a Jack of Clubs playing card, alongside a Nama Tama King of Spades and Robatama Joker, in the Season 1 launch trailer. During Tier 3, Embark Studios CCO Rob Runesson confirmed the black knight card as relevant to the hunt in some way.[2] He later commented on the playing cards with "BTW if you ask me, these clues are brilliant, sometimes I spontaneously start laughing when I'm thinking of that Joker... ._."[3]

Small snippets of "THE_FINALS_I_Want_to" had previously been shared by Rob during Tier 3 of Level 2.[4][5]


On April 5, 2024, Rob provided the URL path "tfeeactivationlvl3" in the #easter-eggs channel of the official THE FINALS Discord server. It led to a new secret URL on the official THE FINALS website: reachthefinals.com/tfeeactivationlvl3.[6]

This page had the title "Activation Page - Level 3" and indicated that activation of the level comprised three parts:

Below these images was a button labelled "Activate" which led to an additional secret URL: reachthefinals.com/tfee-level3. This page presented a password input required to activate Level 3.

Two days later on April 7, Easter egg hunters discovered letters spelling out the word "CETACEA" on tiles unique to the sunset variation of SYS$HORIZON. One player stepping on each tile triggered three dolphins to emerge from the water, solving the 2.0.0 Easter egg.[7][8]

Three days afterwards, the fifth and final WR (white rabbit) was found on Seoul.[9] This finalized the theory already confirmed by Rob that the WR locations spelled out "S LIES" based on the objects the WRs were placed on, and solved the 1.0.0 Easter egg.[10] The most likely letter-object associations are: S: Stairs, L: Light, I: I (letter), E: Escalator, S: Sign.

On May 25, Rob responded to a comment about treasure with "The treasure comes much later in the Big EE hunt... but there will be treasures..."[11] and then "I mean the entire hunt started with swords and a X, can't get more obvious than that, hehe" with an attached image of the standard red X symbol used throughout previous levels.[12]

On May 30, the first three-headed monkey was found on Monaco, and was followed by five more after hunters understood how to make the monkeys appear.[13] Despite this, the final monkey required for the password remained undiscovered until July, when Rob posted "THE_FINALS_Screenshot_034_2880x1620_L3AIM". The image contained:

  • Binary that converts to the grid coordinates: "B2 B4 E6 F4 G7 I3 I6"
  • "152097597", the aphelion of Earth in kilometers (152,097,597 km)
  • "loxolap", which can rearranged to form "apollo x"

The first six of the "B2 B4 E6 F4 G7 I3 I6" grid coordinates lined up with each monkey found thus far. Searching in the "I6" square led to the discovery of the seventh three-headed monkey on July 19.[14]

How exactly to interpret the three-headed monkey locations was unknown, until Rob posted the image "THE_FINALS_Screenshot_035_2880x1620_WRD3HM" on July 23.[15] The image contained:

  • ΙΘ΄, the number 19 in Greek, split into three parts across the image.
  • "𝑿+𝒀+𝒁=⨀". The ⨀ symbol represents the Sun, and the Sun is the 19th Tarot card.
  • "Anna Maria Prickett", wife of John Thomas Smith who produced the earliest work related to the Rule of Thirds.
  • "Metonic Systems". A Metonic cycle is a period of almost exactly 19 years.
  • "416 512". The sum of each number totals 19 (4+1+6+5+1+2 = 19).
  • "51 51 54 46 55", 336.7 in ASCII, which is the melting point in Celsius of Potassium. Potassium has the atomic number 19.
  • The music artist Adele's signature. Adele's debut album was titled "19."
  • "22-38-33.73". EZ Aquarii, a triple star system, has a right ascension of 22h 38m 33.73s.

The considerable number of clues pointing to the number 19 and the rule of thirds, along with the image name (WR, Dolphins, 3HM) implied that 19 represented the password, and that it could be divided into three separate parts corresponding to each Easter egg.

SLIES (5 letters), CETACEA (7 letters), and the 7 monkeys led to 5 + 7 + 7 = 19, which suggested each monkey corresponded to a specific letter to spell out a word. Hunters began theorizing words based on the surfaces and objects the monkeys were placed on, and two weeks later on August 7, the word "ASCONCE" was confirmed by Rob. Based on the word and some confirmations by Rob, the most likely letter-object associations are: A: Asphalt, S: Steps, C: Curb, O: Overpass, N: N (letter), C: Concrete, E: Electrical generator.

The word "ASCONCE" was almost immediately combined with "S LIES" and "CETACEA" to form the password, "sliescetaceaasconce", by hunters. This solved the 2.4.0 Easter egg and activated Level 3.[16][17] In total, activating Level 3 took 124 days.

Level 3

Inputting the password revealed a new page featuring a world map, five pairs of numbers resembling geographic coordinates, and three "MW.AREA" headings each featuring three connected password inputs marked with X symbols. The featured numbers/coordinates are:

  • 72.58514 64.02630
  • 15.70363 23.22150
  • 27.86234 12.98314
  • 81.75162 37.16174
  • 46.69812 55.09871

After the page was revealed, hunter TonyB commented: "Oh man, are these real life coordinates/we need to go places? We need to recruit more players if so lol." Rob eyed the message, confirming its relevance or correctness, and responded with: "It’s not called the hunt for no reason… and come on you have seen this ❌ for a LONG time… (and yes it is a very obvious connection here…)."[18]

On August 31, 2024, Rob posted a gif named "MultiCo_2008" depicting an animated MultiCo logo. The word "Abishemu" was hidden via flashing letters in the corner of the gif.[19][20]

On September 26, Season 4 launched alongside several new in-game bundles and cosmetics. The Battle Pass had a page dedicated to the theme of fencing with a sticker named 'EN GARDE EMBRACE' depicting two fencing swords crossed to make an 'X' symbol over a heart. The sticker may connect to Rob's earlier comment that "the entire hunt started with swords and a X"; this has not yet been confirmed. One of the new store bundles was named 'GILL T. FISHER' and featured a Kingfisher pet, sticker, and sound. The bundle may be a reference to The Fisher King (1991), directed by Terry Gilliam ("GILL T."); this has not yet been confirmed.

On November 7, 2024, Rob made several comments on Level 3 while playing with streamer Waterdance on Twitch. Among them, he shared that there are "four letters" somewhere in the Las Vegas arena that directly correspond to one of the Level 3 passwords. He described them as "big" and "colorful" and revealed that they have been in the arena since the launch of Season 1.[21][22] Later on in the stream, Rob said "hey my name is Karl-Robert R-r-r-r-r-rupertius" as an unspecified clue, purposefully stuttering and repeating the first "R" in Rupertius.[23]

Beginning in late July, Rob repeatedly noted the timestamp 01:23 and associated it with the phrase "sweet dreams", writing such as messages as "It's time to dream... it's 01:23... SWEET DREAMS.!" On November 15, 2024, Rob confirmed a theory by hunters that the clue was a reference to Alice in Wonderland.[24] He then suggested that hunters should begin thinking about Easter eggs that are linked to Alice in Wonderland, giving the white rabbits and "burrow" as examples.[25]

  • A is the 1st letter of the alphabet.
  • I is represented by two dots in morse code, which the : character represents.
  • W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet.
  • AIW is an acronym for Alice in Wonderland.
  • The events of Alice in Wonderland take place in one of Alice's dreams.

On November 19, Rob gave two hints towards either one or multiple Level 3 passwords on Waterdance's Twitch stream. He began by telling hunters: "you can fill in the following codes on Level 3: X Y, double R, one X two."[26] A few minutes later, he referred to a password as "not very hard to figure out" and having "R R in the middle."[27]

On December 4, 2024, the 'VAULT HUNTER SET' bundle was released with update 4.10.0. It includes the 'FOSSIL FORTUNE' charm, 'LOST LEGACY' spray, and 'EXHIBITION GRADE' AKM skin. The charm depicts a Multibuck coin lodged into stone, and the writing: "Sato 1988-10-29." This is likely a reference to the Sega Genesis console that released on October 29, 1988 and was supervised in part by Hideki Sato. The spray depicts a torn off piece of map with a trail to a vault underneath two mountain peaks. The AKM skin features multiple engravings, including a heart, a cabin under two mountain peaks, and "DAYS SEARCHING FOR VAULT:" followed by several number tallies. The snow on the mountain peaks appears to be visualized by the letters W and N, and the tallies appear to total either 138 or 143. These observations led hunters to the 1990 TV series Twin Peaks, the pilot episode of which is titled 'Northwest Passage', and which takes place in the same universe as The X-Files. These connections have not yet been confirmed.

On December 16, the main Season 5 keyart was added to Embark's press kit as a Photoshop file (PSB). Clues are hidden in the image, some of which can only be found by removing layers obstructing the background. The background contains:

  • Three numbers, only a third of each being visible. The numbers are suspected to be 10.53, 24.71, and 44.58, which are the respective land areas in km² of Europe, North America, and Asia.
  • A sequence of Greek letters: "ΚΑΛΥΔΩΝ" (Kappa, Alpha, Lambda, Upsilon, Delta, Omega, Nu).
  • "I WE WHO"
  • "SENIDENARY", a Latin term meaning "grouped by 16."
  • A mirrored and slightly squashed frame from the Season 1 trailer depicting a squad on Skyway Stadium.

On December 17, Rob posted the image "THE_FINALS_powe_i_powe" featuring a DISSUN-sponsored contestant.[28] Included in the filename is DISSUN's tagline, "power is power", with the last letter of each word (r, s, r) removed. The image itself contains:

  • The numbers 1, 2, and 3 in a row on the contestant's tool belt.
  • Small symbols, possibly broken up pieces of larger symbols, in the footer.
  • An illustration of a person, a tree, and an animal; possibly a sheep, lamb, goat, or dog.
  • A shape with five even rounded protrusions.
  • Letters, or pairs of letters, in the DISSUN logo that have not yet been determined with complete confidence.

After some clues had been found in the image, hunter BIG OIL suggested that "this image is the baby steps to the already found clues we have and we just gotta put em together, again", to which Rob responded: "Yes, only 9 different LVL3 clues in the first image... ._.", likely referring to "THE_FINALS_I_Want_to" as the first image of Level 3.[29]

On December 21, Rob posted the image "812a369f6ccfecd0" featuring a VAIIYA-sponsored contestant. The image contains:

  • "END-12-04-98". "12-04-98" references the December 4, 1998 launch date of STS-88, the mission flown by Space Shuttle Endeavour that took the "Black Knight" space debris photo.
  • "57 45 57 45 49 48 56 55", which converts to "9-9-1087", the death date of William the Conqueror.
  • The signature of Simone Weil, sister of André Weil.
  • Letters on the game logo: u, n, q, t, n, o, e, i (or l), r.
  • A 2x2 null matrix.
  • Three dark yellow colored lines of lengths 3px, 5px, and 7px.
  • Four dark (#160704) colored squares with sides of lengths 16px, 7px, and 4px.
  • Three names: Terry, Kate, and Beth, with extra unknown characters on the end of each.

Both "THE_FINALS_powe_i_powe" and "812a369f6ccfecd0" also contain two inward-facing curly brackets (braces), one on either side of each image. The images can be combined to make the brackets clearer.

On January 10, 2025, Rob sent a single opening curly bracket in the #easter-eggs Discord channel.[30]

On January 16, Rob responded to a request for a clue in Waterdance's Twitch chat with "SZdeF".[31] This has been theorized as a reference to inventor Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, although so far no meaning has been confirmed. He also sent the message "S33K" meaning "SEEK", which may have been a clue, or simply a reference to chat member "seekingtreasure".

On January 24, Rob posted the image "THE_FINALS_POWERIS_POWERIS_POWERIS_wallpaper" depicting a DISSUN car in an industrial setting, at the center of which is a large DISSUN logo. The image contains:

  • "19971016", meaning October 16, 1997. The events of the 1965-68 TV show Lost in Space begin on October 16, 1997.
  • The binary string: "0100100101010111010001010101011101001000010011110101010001010111010011110101010001001000010100100100010101000101" which converts to "IWEWHOTWOTHREE".
  • A series of numbers and possible numeric operators that are suspected to read: "3 1/2 5/2 6 13 15 14".
  • Four bars in a row with widths of 4 pixels and heights of 4, 4, 9, and 2 pixels from left to right respectively.
  • Four thinner bars in a column with widths of 1 pixel and heights of 4, 4, 2, and 9 pixels from top to bottom respectively.
  • The face of an unknown person, seemingly an older or middle-aged man.

The next day on January 25, Rob posted the image "THE_FINALS_ISEUL-T_wallpaper" depicting an ISEUL-T-sponsored contestant. The image contains:

  • Two rows of numbers. Top row: "222 44 66 666". Bottom row: "15 23 5 6". The top row decodes via phoneword cipher to "CHNO" and combined with the bottom row makes "C15H23N5O6", the chemical formula for Fibroin (silk fibre).
  • "19244439"
  • "HERO.US" meaning the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus ("HERO(DOT)US").
  • Four bars in a row with heights of 7, 18, 21, and 11 pixels from left to right respectively. The heights convert to "gruk" via AZ126 which is the Danish term for a grook, created by Piet Hein, who also created the board game Hex.
  • Pixels protruding from each corner's cut mark at positions 7, 18, 21, and 11. The positions convert to "gruk" like the four bars clue.
  • The bottom portion of the letters: A, N, N, B, E, T, C, H, R, I, S, spelling out "Ann Bet Chris", pronunciations for the letters A, B, and C in the hexadecimal numeral system.
  • Eight columns of separated squares and rectangles. These may be split into two-square tall rows, with one square meaning 0 and two squares meaning 1, which becomes the binary string: "01100110 01100011 01100010 01111001 01110100 01100001 01100101 01101000 01110010 01100011 01110010" and converts to the ASCII values for: "f c b y t a e h r c r".
  • The signature of Sven Hedin, who made multiple expeditions on the Silk Road.

Additionally, combining "THE_FINALS_ISEUL-T_wallpaper" with "812a369f6ccfecd0" revealed the text: "DIT DAH DIT", meaning the letter R in morse code.

On February 7, Rob posted the image "THE_FINALS_From_Embark__With___Love.png". The number of underscores between each word in the filename increments from 1, to 2, to 3. The image itself contains:

  • The numbers 1, 2, and 3 positioned exactly where the thirds of land area numbers were in the Season 5 keyart.
  • Parts of numbers that need to be pieced together to be read.
  • An audio waveform. Converted to sound, it resembles human speech.
  • The numbers 1-24 in a line.
  • "AEGEAN", referring to the Aegean Sea.
  • A reflection of the entrance to the 'Dragon Constellation Studio' building in Skyway Stadium.

During the February 19 Reddit AMA with Embark, hunter Rin asked Rob for insight into how to piece correct clues together, using the Practice Range roses as an example. Rob replied with "3145645465727279426574683244756E736D757265334D657276696E", which converted from hexadecimal and spaced out reads "1 Ed Terry Beth 2 Dunsmure 3 Mervin".[32] This reflects the "123" and "Terry Kate Beth" clues from earlier in Level 3, however, whether the comment is actually relevant to Level 3 specifically is unconfirmed.

So far, no Level 3 passwords have been solved. Discussion of the Easter egg hunt and various theories primarily takes place in the official THE FINALS Discord server.

Namatama (2).pngRemember to follow the rules and practice good hunting etiquette!






  1. https://www.reachthefinals.com/t3-f
  2. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1183518114013511830
  3. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1194771301517234216
  4. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1181731507413459045
  5. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1194784344770883654
  6. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1225864622129807431
  7. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1217498821563514951/1226394284899569705
  8. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1226497801962262558
  9. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1227625573111824427
  10. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1201288968562552863/1208001101358432276
  11. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1243812218240368640
  12. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1243812918278098954
  13. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1245849981013856397
  14. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1263943720097677419
  15. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1031539174743998526/1265367066869895209
  16. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1270876722639933441
  17. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1270877717318860954
  18. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1211002564015824906/1270879907735666719
  19. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1244010150420021340/1279371937554108558
  20. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1244010150420021340/1282498317581946890
  21. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/ColdHorriblePrariedogKappaPride-rELVjIqfGTvCmLZQ
  22. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/AgileFlirtyPlumberNomNom-hOYCaJ0NDuE013ig
  23. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/SpineyCogentCocoaOSsloth-QKYjptMqAtOMipfe
  24. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/BovineClumsyCattleSpicyBoy-MDVjymXn9ppkw7Ru
  25. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/AssiduousSucculentLadiesDuDudu-gz8f16_q3_IJObVT
  26. https://clips.twitch.tv/ApatheticCrackyHummingbirdCharlieBitMe-UKneV9pm2ZnDoglM
  27. https://www.twitch.tv/waterdance/clip/WealthyFilthyDotterelDxAbomb-8iY2N-kvaozsyV5w
  28. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1031539174743998526/1318635754301165669
  29. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1318635922350149736/1319084208723067011
  30. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1011929497139953744/1327388397874053194
  31. https://discord.com/channels/1008696016318513243/1292576119849095210/1329653754785697834
  32. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1it1icj/comment/mdnymfc/
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