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Welcome to THE FINALS Community Wiki! THE FINALS is a Free to Play, Live Service, first person shooter, developed by Embark Studios for PC and next-gen consoles. This Wiki is a collaborative effort that anyone is welcome to contribute to.. Wikis like ours depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Click the "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started.ǃ

The content of the wiki is subject to change as this is a live-service game, the current content is based off of the most recent patch

Tip of the day
Nama-Coach.pngThe primary fire Sword and the R.357 deal the same amount of damage. The same is true for the Sledgehammer and the SR-84.
5.12.0 Patch Notes

Balance Changes


Model 1887

  • Increased damage from 11 to 12 per pellet
  • Decreased the duration of the lever-action animation from 0.85s to 0.8s, effectively increasing the weapon’s fire rate from 70RPM to 75RPM Dev Note: Having now had time to analyse the Model’s performance on live, following our last round of balance changes, we feel we’ve maybe weakened the weapon a little too much. These changes should nudge it back to a better place.

Recurve Bow

  • Increased damage per shot, when the bow is at max draw, from 120 to 124. The base damage per shot remains at 60 damage

Content and Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Spear’s secondary animation wouldn’t play if activated right after using up all the charges of the previously equipped item
  • Fixed an issue where the impact animation would continuously play after blocking a shot with the Riot Shield


Victory Shade Set

  • Now loops and overwrites colors continuously instead of stopping after 10 eliminations
  • Fixed an issue where team colors wouldn’t update when changing colorblindness settings or toggling Use Enemy Color

Concrete Smoke Model 1887 Skin

  • Fixed an issue where the left hand would remain static in mid-air when playing the Prairie Twirl Deploy Animation


  • Fixed an issue that could cause objects to have collision and be invisible if they were destroyed and dematerialized during the same frame
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong item would be equipped after getting glitched and the item would be unusable
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to use a Weapon or Gadget immediately after swapping could activate the previously equipped item instead
  • Fixed an issue where swapping to your Specialization would immediately switch back to your Weapon
  • Fixed issue where ADS would stop working



  • Small Kyoto destruction tweak to enhance server performance
  • Lowered bamboo stump heights when broken to help with traversal
  • Fixed an issue where vaults could continuously fall through floor due to the inability to find a solid surface to rest on


  • Updated the thickness of cinder block walls for smoother traversal

Fortune Stadium

  • Adjusted collision on beams in the Mall to prevent players from getting stuck in wedge-shaped collisions

Practice Range

  • Fixed an issue where the trophies were incorrectly labeled
  • Fixed an issue where all bots could incorrectly appear as friendlies or enemies

Skyway Stadium

  • Fixed an issue where players could walk on invisible collision underneath the ground in the Hotels area

Las Vegas

  • Slightly adjusted the jump pad and a player spawn between Glamora and Eastwood casinos for improved flow


  • Updated AMD FSR resolution scaling method to version 3.1.3 (not including Frame Generation which is still being worked on)

Performance & Stabilty

  • Fixed a rare crash in the animation system
  • Added support for AMD Anti-Lag 2
  • Improved performance for players experiencing issues due to large friend lists


  • Enhanced high and epic-quality reflections in game intro sequences
  • Fixed an issue where an unintended post-process effect could sometimes appear on player cards


  • Added a "No AA" resolution scaling option that completely disables anti-aliasing and temporal resolution scaling
  • Fixed an issue where certain video options, including 120Hz mode, would reset to default on Xbox after restarting the game
  • Fixed an issue where certain input devices or buttons could cause duplicated inputs, preventing players from equipping their specialization by triggering the swap function twice

Security and Anti-cheat

  • Improved detections


  • In addition to this week's store rotation, we’ve added a .50 Akimbo skin, Monochrome Edge, to the customization menu


  • Fixed a rare issue where squad members would sometimes not appear in the bottom-left widget and scoreboard during a match
Feature Description
New Map Bernal - Set beneath the imposing Peña de Bernal, one of the largest monoliths in the world, this vibrant town captures the magic and historic charm of Mexico
Reduced Visual Recoil Significantly reduced the amount of Visual Recoil experienced when aiming-down-sights, causing the bullets to land closer to where your reticle indicates.
Upgraded Console Experience THE FINALS comes to Playstation 4 and 120Hz mode for the PS5, PS5 Pro and Xbox Series X.
New Weapons ShAK-50 (H), Cerberus 12GA (M)
New Gadgets Gravity Vortex (L), Lockbolt Launcher (H)
Clubs The new social system for contestants to team up, dominate, and redefine what it means to play together.
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